I built mine, and out of a boxspring someone had thrown out lol one mans trash... Alright, I used a %50 Fox Farm and %50 Happy Frog soil mix PH 6.5. I started off in a Dixie cup and transplanted at 2 weeks. I tried to keep the light about 8 inches away from the top, and 4 inches at its closest, but towards the end I think it was about 2 which caused some light bleaching. I watered every 5 days with 2 liters, then moved up to 3L when necessary. First pic is day 17 since breaking the soil. Pic 2 is day 22, I started LST. I only LST'd from week 3-4. Pics 3+4 are day 28, I've been feeding it full strength nutes for a week. I noticed yellowing tips and diagnosed it as deficiency, and sure enough it cleared up after upping from half to full. Pic 5 is day 35, going good. I've started using Ubiogrow in conjunction with A+N. Pic six is day 44, I started flushing around day 48. I put a co2 generator in there at some point, but I didn't notice a substantial difference. The pic with the Coke can comes next at day 50, almost done! This was a 60 day strain. I harvested on day 63, triches were 80/20. The last couple pix are of my setup with my most recent grow in there XD