First auto grow “HELP”

First auto grow
Aug 23, 2020
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This is my first auto grow. I am growing outdoors in 5 gallon pots but don’t know how to start. I am going to use regular potting soil. My concern is pre mixing Black Gold starter and transplant fertilizer in my soil before placing my seed into pot. The fertilizer is 3.5.3 and says it will not burn plant but herein lies my concern. Is this too harsh for an auto seed to be planted and will it stunt growth and yield? Also can the seeds be germinated in the pots in a greenhouse outdoors and grown from start to finish? I have uploaded a picture of the Black Gold fertilizer. Also I will be using Recharge Mega Crop and Sweet Candy. Any help and additional tips will be much appreciated. I feel like I really don’t know how to start
This is my first auto grow. I am growing outdoors in 5 gallon pots but don’t know how to start. I am going to use regular potting soil. My concern is pre mixing Black Gold starter and transplant fertilizer in my soil before placing my seed into pot. The fertilizer is 3.5.3 and says it will not burn plant but herein lies my concern. Is this too harsh for an auto seed to be planted and will it stunt growth and yield? Also can the seeds be germinated in the pots in a greenhouse outdoors and grown from start to finish? I have uploaded a picture of the Black Gold fertilizer. Also I will be using Recharge Mega Crop and Sweet Candy. Any help and additional tips will be much appreciated. I feel like I really don’t know how to startView attachment 1226446View attachment 1226447

heya @Raswarriorfari and :welcome: to afn! :toke: ques 1 -> no...jus don't od the soil with it & it should be fine ;) ques 2 -> yes, by all meanz :thumbsup: ppp
heya @Raswarriorfari and :welcome: to afn! :toke: ques 1 -> no...jus don't od the soil with it & it should be fine ;) ques 2 -> yes, by all meanz :thumbsup: ppp
Thank you for your quick response and knowledge, much appreciated. The recommended amount by the company for 20 L pots is 1 cup, I was thinking I should use 1/2 or 1/4 cup for my 18 L pots. At what point in the plants life should I start giving it Mega Crop and Recharge?
Thank you for your quick response and knowledge, much appreciated. The recommended amount by the company for 20 L pots is 1 cup, I was thinking I should use 1/2 or 1/4 cup for my 18 L pots. At what point in the plants life should I start giving it Mega Crop and Recharge?

seedlingz don't need much of anything for the first couple weekz...and don't get discouraged if u don't see much happenin durin that time, lol, cuz all the work is happenin underground, buildin the rootz ;) uze domez the first week or so to help with humidity, don't overwater, and above all -> p a t i e n c e grasshopper :coffee: ppp
seedlingz don't need much of anything for the first couple weekz...and don't get discouraged if u don't see much happenin durin that time, lol, cuz all the work is happenin underground, buildin the rootz ;) uze domez the first week or so to help with humidity, don't overwater, and above all -> p a t i e n c e grasshopper :coffee: ppp
Thank you bro you’re a life saver. Really don’t want to mess this up . So I should wait a couple of weeks before giving the girls any Mega Crop?
Welcome :welcome:
Maybe mix some perlite into the grow medium as well as these plants like the grow medium to be loose. Anywhere from 2 parts grow medium to one part perlite up to 1 part to 1 part is pretty common.

And if you are going to be using Mega Crop after a couple weeks, the plant is going to get its nutrients first from the Mega Crop. It takes longer for a plant to process organic nutrients. whereas Mega Crop is water soluble so it is faster uptake. That's my understanding anyway. I started using Mega Crop this year and have grown 2 autos in it outdoors in 5 gallon bags, and have two fast version photos in the ground that I am using it on as well. I do start the MC at 50% for autos and haven't gone over 4g/gallon. On the photos. they are getting 6g/gal.

Happy growing to you:weed:

Here is a Critical+2.0 grown with MC in a five gallon bag that I chopped last month.
ah yes, me forgot to mention, as @Kyote did, that u def wanna add perlite, uh-huh...and don't be afraid to be liberal with it, lol :rolleyes2: and ya know, seein as how ur doin thingz outdoorz, if u wanted to spend a few xtra buckz gettin some dry ammendmentz to add to the soil to begin with, then u'd most likely be able to have a water only grow & not even hafta worry about nutez at all ;) jus sayin & carry on plz...:smoking: ppp