Indoor Final advice before germinate. Cheers gents!

Mar 6, 2016
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Keeping as short as possible, growing in coco:

  • 1.2 x 1.2 x 2 m tent (Metres not feet)
  • 250 w and 600w HPS bulbs (early and later in the growing process, respectively)
  • 1000 m3/h, 6" box fan into rhino extractor
  • 1 clip fan
  • 9 x 10L pots
I'm growing Delicious Seed's Cheese Candy Auto (~45 day flowering).
I will be putting my babies into their big boy pots straight away as I don't want to shock them, especially with the short flowering time. I do have some coco plugs but unsure whether to use them.

So can I have some advice here please?
Do I need some sort of propagator?
I planned on germinating using the paper towel method and once they have a tap root and real leaves, can I/should I put them into their big boy pots? and at what humidity+temp for babies that age.

I can use the coco plugs, but if I'm honest, Im not sure how exactly to use them. I don't know if they contain any nutes for early days. Geeza down the local shop reckons so, but he reckons a lot of things. Do they also go directly into the big pots?

I was going to use the Canna nute schedule as a base guide to work from but if there is a good reason not to (like it going to kill my plants) then please advise. (I am using canna nutes).

A lot of questions I apologise but i appreciate you help!