New Grower ferts and autos


Dragon Addiction Councellor
Aug 28, 2011
Reaction score
i have a few lr#2 crosses at 1 week old. are in organic soil from lowes with alittle perlite.never gave them nothing but rain water.when should i add my first ferts week 2 or 3?will use 5-1-1 diluted for 2 weeks then to a light bloombuster and molasses weekly
f your using organic nutes don't be afraid to feed full nutes aren't hot and generally wont burn your plants. also i wouldn't give any bloom nutes until at least week 6 or 7 or until the vertical growth of the plant stops, once vertical growth stops she is in full bloom and will pack on the bud.
ooo thats new to me, waiting that long until giving bloom nutes, would you recommend veg nutes meanwhile or none at all?
I don't know that much about growing yet, but everyone has told me, No nutes until they sex.... Just what I've been told..
i just cut a couple i grew and i put bloombuster and molasses 2 times a week from 21 days on and before that i gave fish ferts from 2nd week for 10 or so days and they grew well but they were autos and not lowryders
ooo thats new to me, waiting that long until giving bloom nutes, would you recommend veg nutes meanwhile or none at all?

With organic nutes i recommend feeding full dosage from seed...the N P K for my Bio Thrive is 4 3 3, unlike chem nutes that can be 15 10 10...there is a big difference. even tho you see buds starting to form they are not truly flowering, they are just showing sex...the buds dont start to swell till after week 6 or 7 once the vertical growth stops.

---------- Post added 10-25-2011 at 10:00 PM ----------

i flush once in flowering(week 6 or 7) then i give full dosage of bloom nutes and molasses the smae day.