Fem seeds from fem seeds??

May 1, 2013
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Any problem there?

Lol I am sure this has been discussed somewhere, and I know I'm probably going to get a link to a thread I would have found if i had a better internet connection, a little more time between baby feedings, infusions and dog walks, so thanks in advance to whoever digs that up for me, haha:smoke:

Anyway, like the title says...
If I use CS to reverse a female,
Then i use pollen from the CS "male" to make fem seeds

Can I use CS on the next generation to make CS fem males from CS fem seeds? Is that a really bad idea?
Seems like I'm going to feed them after midnight one day and have a pack of gremlins on my hands or something.

Any info, including sarcasm that isn't riddled with nerd-rage, is welcome :tiphat:
Howdy Horfvitdown, welcome to AFN. To reverse fem seeds made from cs pollen and fem is completely fine. Its best to spread that pollen around to a few of your ladies to ensure greatest genetic possibilities in the off spring… label each plant, collect seeds from the labeled plants and label the seeds.. Than smoke the plants and the one you find is the tastiest and most potent, take those seeds and grow those out and again pick a great looking female that seems to look and have same characteristics and again repeat…. With several plants etc… you eventually can work a stable line with just fem seeds… though I have REALLY COME AROUND to reg seeds and the importance of males in breeding, they hold 50% of the mojo the ladies don't… if possible i think its best to breed some reg seeds first and than go from there hunting for the ladies and guys you like the best…
if your just looking to make more seeds for yourself to grow for your own stash than not all that effort is required if you don't plan on doing anything with crosses etc.. In each sub forum there is a a good number of posts that start off the sub forum, they are labeled as stickies and offer a wealth of info that your looking for… here is the link for CS thread for you! Sending you a big :karma Cloud: in your endeavors!
:stylez rasta smoke:
This thread will tell you EVERYTHING you need to know!

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