New Grower Fat Banana rust spots

Oct 26, 2021
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Hi, that’s my second grow and as a new grower I’m still trying to figure everything out.

The sick girl is a Fat Banana auto from RQS. From around week 03 the new leaves starts to shown some brown spots followed for some yellowing and also some deformation. Stunted grow also happened. But the plant seem ok even so.

Problem: Rust spots followed as deformed leaves

Medium/grow method: Soil, Biobizz Ligh Mix, 12,5lt airpots

Feed and supplements used: Full biobizz range. so far she gets BioHeaven 2ml/lt —Acti-Vera 2ml/lt — Fish mix 1ml/lt — CalMag 0.3ml/lt. Hand top water Feed every watering, 1 Lt. No runoff only some drops.

water source: Tap water + carbon filter. PH 8.2 EC 0.40 plain water. After add nutes and Biobizz PH down to PH 6.3 EC 0.98.

Strain/age: Fat Banana Auto/RQS. She’s on end of week 05.

light used: TS 1000 Marshydro. 46cm from canopy and running 18/6

Climate: Day time 23°C at 54% RH and for the night 20°C at 60% (I leave by the coast so RH is always high)

Additional info: as a new grower I’m doing so many mistakes and I’m pretty sure I overwatered her when she was a seedling. (Learn curve) the rusts spots starts to shown off around week 03 and is always on new leaves. Doesn’t seem spread out after first seen but all new grow there’s the rusts spots followed for the deformation. Around the same date (week 03)by mistake I fed 3 times with Algamic, this is used by flowering stage. Not sure that is the problem before they room mates are fine.

She was suppose to move to flowering tent next week or so, but I’m not sure if worth it because it seems that may affect buds. Could you help me please? Thank you very much.


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Hiya! That's a nice bit of training ^_^

I'll try and help! As i know all about the products you're using.

To start, i should caveat - they don't look that bad! (seen a lot worse)

So, Biobizz lightmix is a good choice.

Biobizz range isn't a bad choice, but it is organic, so you may as well put that EC meter away, it wont work, or give a reading you can use. (it will work for salt based nutes like advanced nutrients, or canna range, but not organic.)

Water ... 8.2 PH??? that's some hard city water by the sound of things. I'm very surprized that the dosage of Biobizz Grow is dropping the PH by that much.
It certainly wasn't when I was growing with super hard water .. and then i learned the hard way that adding nitric acid as PH down (or phosphoric) is counterproductive in a "organic" style grow as it's killing the micro herd that you're trying to create in the soil .

Are you using a PH down? If so .. I'd recommend using either the organic one from BIobizz or citric acid (lemon juice) to bring the PH down (as it won't kill the micro herd you're trying to build in the soil)

You're moving to a flowering tent?? If it's an auto, why the move? You can stick to your 18 hours or 20 hours of light all the way through the grow as long as she starts putting out buds soon.

If you haven't seen flowers forming (crowning) in the next 14 days, I'd probably assume its not going to Autoflower and move it to a 12/12 tent or change your light timer in this one.

She's also looking a bit squat - is the light perhaps a bit close?

I'd stick with it as see where she goes .. organics aren't as easy as they sound. After trying lots of styles and nutes, i'm back to biobizz soil, but using salt based Canna nutes (Canna Vega, Canna Flores) - I find the more simple the setup, the more chance of success!

Hope some of this helps

Blue ^_^
@Nirvanaツ:welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:. The Bio-Bizz light has Dolomite Lime and your water is high in Ca also so stop adding the Cal-mag. I agree with @blue that your plants do not look that bad but I am a bit concerned over the deformed leaves as that looks as though it could be a virus. If it is it will get worse fast and the leaves will get dry and brittle. The thing is I have also seen that and it turned out to be nothing. So just a wait and see at the moment.


Thanks @blue, I’m so glad to hear you know a lot about Biobizz range. I have some newbie doubts that if you don’t mind I would like some help. But first things first.

Good to now about de EC and organic feed, I really didn’t get it before. Also when I read about organic it seemed way more simple than it have been, so salt base nuts is easier to find that balance? very interesting and I will read more about and I may give it a try. I went for Biobizz as they said it was easy and hard to overfeed and also the flavour.

The water here is very hard indeed, I forget to add that information, yes I use the PH down from Biobizz. After add nutes the PH get around 7.2/7.6 and than ph down to 6.2/6.3 most off the times.

The girls are in my attic so I don't have much height available and my set up had to be made with small tents, the solution was to make 2 separate tents so I can have a good rotation, that’s the only reason. Lights run 18/6 from begin to end. Another info that I forgot.

She's also looking a bit squat - is the light perhaps a bit close?
It can be, I’m using the manufacturer advice height, but I had to dimmer it to 100% as they roommates were asking for more light. I moved the light far a way a bit. Let’s see how she does.
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@Nirvanaツ:welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:. The Bio-Bizz light has Dolomite Lime and your water is high in Ca also so stop adding the Cal-mag. I agree with @blue that your plants do not look that bad but I am a bit concerned over the deformed leaves as that looks as though it could be a virus. If it is it will get worse fast and the leaves will get dry and brittle. The thing is I have also seen that and it turned out to be nothing. So just a wait and see at the moment.

Hi @Mañ'O'Green thanks for the help.

I’m using Calmag as a prevention as for some reason my plants when get in flower stage they shown some deficiency. My bet is that I’m wrong and what I see isn’t cal/mg def, but after use calmag the symptoms stop, so I’m confused about this. Photos add so you can have a look. The photo before last is from my white widow today, after I add calmag no more leaves were affected. And the first 2 leaves photos are from my previously and first grow.
The only plant I didn’t have the brown spots and edges to the one just bloomed, I guess because I started the calmag couple weeks before? It’s hard to be a newbie, everything new and you have no idea what are you doing :rolleyes1:

Definitely I will follow you and @blue advise and wait to see how she develop. If it’s a virus, can it spread to they “sisters”? So far she’s the only one with those symptoms and I really don’t wanna risk the others. And I also have no option to leave her in one tent by herself. That’s my concern.


:weed: I’ve added a photo of my girl who did not show the signs that I interpreted as Ca/Mg deficiency. That’s an Northern Light Automati at week 8 and the white hairs is already showing
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Yes that looks like a calcium deficiency but it is actually caused by too much Nitrogen, Potassium and/or Magnesium. You see the signs of too much Nitrogen in the hooked leaves and tip burn.



Keeping the balance in the pot is important.
Yes that looks like a calcium deficiency but it is actually caused by too much Nitrogen, Potassium and/or Magnesium. You see the signs of too much Nitrogen in the hooked leaves and tip burn.

View attachment 1413292

View attachment 1413287

Keeping the balance in the pot is important.

Diagnose the girls properly has been the most difficult part in all the grower experiences so far. Mostof the symptoms are pretty much the same I get so confused:shrug:. I find some similar symptoms in few indeficiencies and also in few excess.:rolleyes1: :lol: No more calmag then.

If it’s a virus, can it spread to they “sisters”? So far she’s the only one with those symptoms and I really don’t wanna risk the others. And I also have no option to leave her in one tent by herself. That’s my concern.
Have you any idea about this?

Diagnose the girls properly has been the most difficult part in all the grower experiences so far. Mostof the symptoms are pretty much the same I get so confused:shrug:. I find some similar symptoms in few indeficiencies and also in few excess.:rolleyes1: :lol: No more calmag then.

Have you any idea about this?

Virus can be transmitted with soil contamination, splashing water, using tools to cut one then the other without washing in alcohol between cuts, hands touching plants. It is not usually airborne.
Virus can be transmitted with soil contamination, splashing water, using tools to cut one then the other without washing in alcohol between cuts, hands touching plants. It is not usually airborne.

thank you very much for all the help and valuable information.
thank you very much for all the help and valuable information.
:doh: Oh I forgot the most common transmission is from leaves that touch the infected soil.