New Grower Fast Buds Northen Express :- Noob going for gold.

May 27, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
misc kush
Hey everyone!

--- I Have almost no idea what im doing --- just wanted to throw that out there but still, i did the basics and googled all sorts of stuff and ended up buying an assortment of bits, 125w leh ufo light, 50cm/50cm/100cm tent, 4inch intake fan, 18l plastic tub for a thrown together DWC, 4inch carbon filter and a load of thin ducting. A friend of mine gave me a small amount of Advanced nutrients no idea what but he assured me it was sound. Its in my loft btw, not sure what other info i need to add.
I have no idea what to expect from the life cycle of the plant even after reading up some things =D

I just wouldn't mind some general advice and such maybe some recommendations if you guys would be so kind.

1st may 4 days.jpg

Day 4!

13 days!.jpg

Day 13!


18 a.jpg

Day 17! Wider shot than usual.


Day 22! I waiting till id asked my mate to cut those mega leaves off!


Day 25! Had a little trim




Day 27! Close up + such!


30 wide.jpg

Day 30! Why you so smol!

This brings us to today!

Im probably making a few mistakes but i wanted to just have a go at it xD

Thanks in advance for any comments
She's looking healthy, first grow is a hell of a learning experience. Just take it easy, less is more and before you know it, you'll be smoking homegrown.
One piece of advice I will give you for next grow. Don't trim any of those fan leaves until she's much bigger. Those leaves are your solar panels, the more surface area you cover with leaves the more photons the plant can absorb/convert. Taking her big power plant leaves at such a young stage is a bit like shooting yourself in the foot.
Welcome to AFN! You couldn't have picked a better spot to journal and get advice. Cheers and Happy Growing. :thumbsup:
hey dude and welcome to AFN my man :bighug:
Great start there sir and a nice little set you got going with some DIY, my kinda man. Like what seabass has said don't be taking any leaves away not until the end of week 3 if you have to. Tricky to tell from the pics but maybe you may want to move the light up to 30" from the plant. 30" at the start and slowly move the light closer until you are about 18" in flower or let the plant grow towards it.
When It come to DWC I can recommend @witchyhour grows, she's a pro and grows a mean plant. I'm a loft grower too so any help I can give on set up just give me a tag ( @Slater ). here's a link to my journal to have look at what I've done. I also have height restriction and had to learn training super fast, just started a grow with 120cm height, follow along if want to see how I manage it again here's a link.
Have you done an intro in live intros, its great way to meet the staff and get more followers for you journal.
Good luck on your first grow dude

So far it's looking great! Thanks for tagging me, @Slater

I'd recommend:

- getting some clay pebbles,

- planting seedlings a little higher than the top of the pot, so lower leaves don't touch it and get damaged,

- getting black or light proof grow containers.

Here's a video showing how I transplant seedlings to their final buckets.

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Hey guys thanks a lot for the replies, i think im a bit in over my head here so every little helps =]

Ive got plans to get some clay pebbles but didn't think it mattered all that much and i recycled a lot of my old fish tank stuff so why not the pretty stones ahaha!
Ive also moved the light much further up and as soon as a day later it already looks to be taller, i was apprehensive about the height and light position and such considering i dont have much height to work with but you live and learn eh!
Bit gutted about those leaves though!! Thought they would be stealing all the goodness from the proper parts that could grow!

Thanks again @Seabass @Slater and @witchyhour your tips sincerely go a long way!

Also Slater i am terrified of the idea of winter coming to steal my tasties! I wouldnt mind picking your brain about some insulating/temp/vent things if you dont mind ofc!


32 days now! Should i change the water in my dwc? Its not minging and there isn't any algae in it...
Hey guys thanks a lot for the replies, i think im a bit in over my head here so every little helps =]

Ive got plans to get some clay pebbles but didn't think it mattered all that much and i recycled a lot of my old fish tank stuff so why not the pretty stones ahaha!
Ive also moved the light much further up and as soon as a day later it already looks to be taller, i was apprehensive about the height and light position and such considering i dont have much height to work with but you live and learn eh!
Bit gutted about those leaves though!! Thought they would be stealing all the goodness from the proper parts that could grow!

Thanks again @Seabass @Slater and @witchyhour your tips sincerely go a long way!

Also Slater i am terrified of the idea of winter coming to steal my tasties! I wouldnt mind picking your brain about some insulating/temp/vent things if you dont mind ofc!

View attachment 756508
32 days now! Should i change the water in my dwc? Its not minging and there isn't any algae in it...
You can definitely use the stones you have, but you need more so the plant isn't so low inside the pot. If you have stones, just add more. Now, if you need to get some, go for the clay pebbles. They also help keep light from reaching through, which larger stones may not properly do. But you can make it work, as long as:

1) you add enough to bring the plant up inside the pot,

2) place the stones in a manner that they form a light blocking canopy. [emoji6]

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Hey guys thanks a lot for the replies, i think im a bit in over my head here so every little helps =]

Ive got plans to get some clay pebbles but didn't think it mattered all that much and i recycled a lot of my old fish tank stuff so why not the pretty stones ahaha!
Ive also moved the light much further up and as soon as a day later it already looks to be taller, i was apprehensive about the height and light position and such considering i dont have much height to work with but you live and learn eh!
Bit gutted about those leaves though!! Thought they would be stealing all the goodness from the proper parts that could grow!

Thanks again @Seabass @Slater and @witchyhour your tips sincerely go a long way!

Also Slater i am terrified of the idea of winter coming to steal my tasties! I wouldnt mind picking your brain about some insulating/temp/vent things if you dont mind ofc!

View attachment 756508
32 days now! Should i change the water in my dwc? Its not minging and there isn't any algae in it...

No problems dude love to help but don't be terrified of winter, I know its coming... be afraid of the summer.
I grew right through winter with no problems but It took some effort and a little cash ...
insulated my tents, boxed in with 50 / 100mm kingspan
Created heating for my main tent with a hot box that heats the intake air before it comes into the tent. Controlled by a timer thermostat so I can set different temps, lights on and off... I would recommend tube heaters for your small set up.
My intake air comes off the house so I get the warmer air in the winter and cooler air in the summer... saving my ass at the moment.
That's it really, I'm forever tweaking, last week hooked up an intake fan that runs through the day. This weeks job is to change the main intake pipe that runs through the loft feeding the tents from a 4" to 6" to get a faster air exchange and hopefully get those temps down that little bit more.
No problems dude love to help but don't be terrified of winter, I know its coming... be afraid of the summer.
I grew right through winter with no problems but It took some effort and a little cash ...
insulated my tents, boxed in with 50 / 100mm kingspan
Created heating for my main tent with a hot box that heats the intake air before it comes into the tent. Controlled by a timer thermostat so I can set different temps, lights on and off... I would recommend tube heaters for your small set up.
My intake air comes off the house so I get the warmer air in the winter and cooler air in the summer... saving my ass at the moment.
That's it really, I'm forever tweaking, last week hooked up an intake fan that runs through the day. This weeks job is to change the main intake pipe that runs through the loft feeding the tents from a 4" to 6" to get a faster air exchange and hopefully get those temps down that little bit more.
I agree! Summer can be brutal! I've lost seedlings to low temps, especially autos...but summer is brutal! [emoji121] [emoji102]

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@Bwift Solt what nutrients/schedule from advanced nutrients are you using? Also have you been checking the pH/ppm of your water (pH is potential of hydrogen meaning how alkaline or acidic the water is, ppm is the mineral content in water or EC the electrical conductivity.. this is how you distinguish between "hard" or "soft" water)?
Both of these are imperative to get the most out of your genetics. Especially in a hydro setup.
I'd recommend you read Ed Rosenthals marijuana growers handbook it has a plethora of valuable info alot many people wouldn't know/isn't readily available online I got a copy a few years ago and I still go back to reference it.
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