Fast Buds Fast Buds Grow Guide?

Jul 26, 2016
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Hi there Fast Buds people

Before I pop my FB babies, I was wondering if you have a Fast Buds Grow Guide?
I know that there are lots of grow guides around, too many!
But I want to see how the FB people do it themselves. That is how these seeds have been bred.
Is there one on the FB website? blog?

Love and hugs,
I'm sorry, not yet Maria... But you can check Elvis, Tripaholic or TaNg grows of our strains. They are pretty cool grow guides for our strains. Thanks for asking! I hope it helps a bit! Enjoy! :D
I'm sorry, not yet Maria... But you can check Elvis, Tripaholic or TaNg grows of our strains. They are pretty cool grow guides for our strains. Thanks for asking! I hope it helps a bit! Enjoy! :D

Thanks for the fast response, @FastBuds !!
I have been checking out their grows, both here at AFN and also on the diaries linked to the FB site.

But it was more of a question of how do you people at Fast Buds grow them yourselves?
I figure that if strains have been bred under certain growing conditions for many generations,
then it makes more sense to also grow them under similar conditions.