Fan Leaves Yellowing/Dying

Jan 30, 2022
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Problem: Whole plant is yellowing, fan leaves are much worse off then the rest of the plant.

Medium/grow method: Soil: Bio Bizz Light Mix with 33% mix of perlite in 5 gallon fabric bags

Feed and supplements used:
fox farms nutes, using about 1/4 of suggested doasge

water source: Filtered Tap - 0052 PPM - PH to 6.4

Strain/age: Seed are ILGM - Super Lemon Haze autos

light used: Light: HLG 100 V2 4000K - 28" from soil


RH is kept around 50-60% with a humidifier
Temp is kept around 75-80 degrees F

Additional info:
Plant was really doing great until around a week and a half ago it has very slowly started yellowing. Thinking it looked like Nitrogen deficiency I started giving a bit more nitrgoen on Monday but it doesn't appear to be helping so far or maybe I just havent been patient enough?

Let me know of any additional details you might need and thanks for the help.


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Can you post some pictures of the plants? Visual reference typically helps.
Indeed! The pictures were there but when I edited to add some info I forgot accidentally deleted them! They are back now.
Looks really underfed to me. Up the FF nutes to 1/2.
I think I agree, she was probably just barely hanging on with 1/4 strength and now that she is flowering the nutrient demands go way up. Going to 1/2 strength should be ok, it will probably take at least a few days before it looks much better, so don’t rush to other solutions.

The whole plant does look under fed, but another possibility is you could be having some lockout issues, they can look very similar. Have you been watering to runoff, and how often are you feeding? Even very mild feeding with every watering can buildup in the root zone and create nutrient toxicity if you are not watering to runoff occasionally.
I think I agree, she was probably just barely hanging on with 1/4 strength and now that she is flowering the nutrient demands go way up. Going to 1/2 strength should be ok, it will probably take at least a few days before it looks much better, so don’t rush to other solutions.

The whole plant does look under fed, but another possibility is you could be having some lockout issues, they can look very similar. Have you been watering to runoff, and how often are you feeding? Even very mild feeding with every watering can buildup in the root zone and create nutrient toxicity if you are not watering to runoff occasionally.

This would make sense, I wasn't watering inbetween feedings because I was having some issues with fungus gnats. I have been feeding 2x per week but since I had the gnat issues I was really trying to let the top inch get dry before I would water again. I have eradicated the gnats now and have gotten to a better feeding/watering schedule and the plant is doing better. Many of the smaller leaves are a normal shade of green, but a lot of the fan leaves are still yellow or almost white now so they may have just been to far gone to save, but all the buds and new growth seems to be doing much better.

Thanks for the replies!
You should always be watering between feedings or you may end up with a salt buildup in the root zone. Glad to hear it's doing better.