Indoor fan and carbon scrubber question.

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Hi folks! Almost have all the materials :-) Quick question, I am ready to hook up the carbon scrubber and fan. I just have no idea if it would be beneficial to hang both the fan and carbon scrubber off the ground or can I leave it on the ground like in the picture and run some ducting to the top vent of the tent?

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I did think about doing that, but I was not sure if the carbon scrubber would work better sucking in the air than pushing it out of the scrubber. I am also pressed for space which is another reason why I rather not place the filter outside of the tent. Yet, I will need all the room inside the 3 by 3 tent for the girls. Arggg decisions.... decisions...
to save space you can just put the filter in and leave the fan outside the grow and pull from the tent. I prefer to contain both the fan and filter in the tent but that is just me
Both seem doable. I fancy the idea of having both inside the tent. Going back to my first question, should I hang both the fan and filter from the top vent or leave in resting on the ground like the picture and run ducting from the fan to the top vent? Reason why I ask is, is one setup better than the other(hanging vs sitting on the ground)?
i prefer hanging from the tent's bars and not on the floor. all electrical should be above ground level for safety. its a small risk in your case but still a risk.
Alright, I suppose I can hang it. I forgot about the rule of all electrical should be above ground for safety. SAFETY FIRST!
yesir thats the name of the game with indoor growing is safety. cant harvest if your grow spot burns down. :smokebuds:
i would mount it up on the top to the tent with a fresh air return at the bottom to the filter will draw fresh air over the plants and out tho the top also heat rises and the filter will draw some heat also
i would mount it up on the top to the tent with a fresh air return at the bottom to the filter will draw fresh air over the plants and out tho the top also heat rises and the filter will draw some heat also

Good point about "heat rises". I hung the filter inside and at the top of the tent. I will hang and attach the fan tomorrow. Thanks for all the tips guys!
My fan is outside the tent inside a cardboard box stuffed with expanding foam to deaden the noise, i run normal ducting from the filter in the tent to the fan then accoustic ducting from the fan to the exit point. It doesn't really matter where you put the fan the thing to keep in mind is the length of the duct runs, the shorter the better for efficiency. The longer the run and you start losing some power due to the air resistance of ducting.