Indoor F1 Dragon testing and stabilizing

Jul 26, 2013
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OK so I jumped the gun and started a thread called Dragons from the sky but now its going to be here so check it out.
First off im running 600 watts in a 4'x4'x6.6'.
Using my own soil mix.
18/6 light schedule just cause ive not really noticed a difference in 20/4 and 18/6.
10, 2 gallon grow bags.
10, Black Dragon X Magic dragon eggs. (Mossy's genetics worked by nc420).
We are going to see how this gr.ows, im testing these out and going to create F2's
I will have some good help through this so with what ive learned in the past 2 years and the guy behind the cutain this should be a good learning experiment.
Oh yeah i have heard about Dragons seen Dragons grow(on here) Ive wanted Dragons! Well I finally got them by chance and im gonna run with it and not look back so check em out as they go.
Will be posting pics and updates Friday.

May the Great Ganja Goddess Bless your Dragon Journey....

well Mossy im gonna have to get back with you on the name cause im just testing but Black Magic Dragon sounds about right for this but like i said i dont want to jump the gun...again lol. DABaracus as well as missing out on half of the beauty, i havent yet seen or smoked and im pretty hyped about this. The only place ive seen these beans for sale was RCMC and in the shipping details it said he would ship when he got time and ive always been in a rush but im a little more layed back now. since ive relaxed and got some knowledge i can say i earned these dragons.
LOL BMD sounds great ..all the dragons I have tried lived up to their names and blew me away..I have a thunder dragon going ATM...sounds like you are older and wiser but autos are for perfect speed .If you let the temps drop a lil during the dark time you should get more color to your plants. Cheers
Ok here it is....."Black Magic".
Ill post a little more about whats been going on with them a little latter tonight i just wanted to put the name out soon as i found out.
Alright i am attempting to grow 10 Black Magic and i have started by germing three seeds in a paper towel and three seeds in the moist soil in the pots ready to go.
The three in the paper towell after 5 days gave me two. So i stuck 5 more in the bag with thd paper towel to try and get the other 5 im going to need.
Its been four days since i put the three in the soil, nothing just yet.
So im hopping for those 3 to maybe sprout tomoro. If not its all good i got time and patience so it will be alright. I havent checked the five in the bag today but if any happen to sprout ill update tonight. But i got another thread im gonna start todY for my Dinafem Sour Diesel! Ill drop a link in here just incase any one might want to see that.
IMG_20150118_210129.jpg The red circles are the ones i put in the soil and the yellow circles are the ones i put in paper towel. No visible plant life yet but ii know its under there.
Will see it in the next day or two.