New Grower Eye Candy: a list of INDICA / SATIVA & everything in between


[NOVICE] micro.grower
Aug 31, 2012
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sounds like a book getting ready to be published! lol :smokebuds:

we all know how much we all love to follow/read a thread and learning the ins & outs.

we all would like to see the beginning/middle/ if nothing else atleast the END.

we all know that not everyone has the time to see the grow or follow along as much as they want to.

we all scream PICTURES PICTURES PICTURES! well not really -- but you know youre waiting for them.

with that said this thread will be a photo list of strains that you have grown (this idea was inspired by dyermaker )


- 3 photos maximum per strain (saving space as we keep adding)
- 1 photo has to be of the nuggetry (:hump:)
- label the photo ofcourse :thumbs:
- * indica / indica dominant / sativa / sativa dominant *
- strain / breeder / seed bank or anything else thats necessary
- feel free to attach a smoke report link (would definitely be helpful)

link to a list of strains:

photoperiod or autoflower?

- bring them both in!



INDICA in short:

- fat leaves
- short bush

Indica....higher CBD than THC equals heavier, sleepy type of high. Yield is usually higher than Sativa, and shorter growing season. Better for indoor growing, because they don't get as tall


Indicas originally come from the hash producing countries of the world like Afghanistan, Morocco, and Tibet. They are short dense plants, with broad leaves and often grow a darker green. After flowering starts they will be mature in 6 to 8 weeks. The buds will be thick and dense, with flavors and aromas ranging from pungent skunk to sweet and fruity. The smoke from an Indica is generally a body type stone, relaxing and laid back. Indica's higher CBD than THC equals a much heavier, sleepy type of high. Indica plants have a heavy, stony high that is relaxing and can help different medical problems.

Indica yield is usually higher than Sativa, and shorter growing season. Better for indoor growing, because they don't get as tall.

Indica plants are short, bushy, mature early, have more chlorophyll and less accessory pigments (accessory pigments protect the plant from excessive sunlight). As Indica strains have more chlorophyll than sativa they grow and mature faster.

Indicas are very effective for overall pain relief and is often used to treat insomnia for many people. Indica buds are most commonly smoked by medical marijuana patients in the late evening or even right before bed due to how sleepy and tired you become when high from an indica strain of marijuana, like Kush.

Benefits of Indica:
1. Relieves body pain
2. Relaxes muscles
3. Relieves spasms, reduces seizures
4. Relieves headaches and migraines
5. Relieves anxiety or stress



SATIVA in short:

- thin leaves
- tall bush

Sativa....higher THC than CBD equals cerebral, soaring type of high, more energetic Yield is usually lower than Indica, but is very potent. eg: Thai Sativa grow taller and have a longer flowering period, so they are better suited for outdoors.

Sativa's typically take longer to germinate and flower, and they grow more gangly then indica breeds.


Sativas are just about the opposite of Indicas. They are tall, thin plants, with much narrower leaves and grow a lighter green in color. They grow very quickly and can reach heights of 20 feet in a single season. They originally come from Colombia, Mexico, Thailand and Southeast Asia. Once flowering has begun, they can take anywhere from 10 to 16 weeks to fully mature. Flavors range from earthy to sweet and fruity. Sativa's higher THC than CBD equals cerebral, soaring type of high, more energetic which can stimulate brain activity and may produce hallucinations.

Sativa plants are taller, take longer to mature, have less chlorophyll and more accessory pigments (accessory pigments protect the plant from excessive sunlight). As Sativa strains have less chlorophyll than Indica they take longer to grow, mature, and require more light.

Sativa typically takes longer to germinate and flower also, and grows more gangly then Indica breeds.
Yield is usually lower than Indica, but is very potent. Thai Sativa grows taller and has a longer flowering period, so they are better suited for outdoors.

Sativa dominant marijuana strains tend to have a more grassy type odor to the buds providing an uplifting, energetic and “cerebral” high that is best suited for daytime smoking. A sativa high is one filled with creativity and energy as being high on sativa can spark new ideas and creations. Many artists take advantage of the creative powers of cannabis sativa (marijuana) to create paintings.

Benefits of Sativa:
1. Feelings of well-being and at-ease
2. Up-lifting and cerebral thoughts
3. Stimulates and energizes
4. Increases focus and creativity
5. Fights depression





what is cannabis ruderalis?!

Ruderalis plant also known as Cannabis ruderalis is an alleged species of Cannabis which originated from the Central regions of Asia. This type of Cannabis plant flowers earlier than Indica and Sativa. It does not grow as tall as the two other species but it can withstand more cruel weathers. Ruderalis plant has the capability of auto-flowering which makes them advantageous to Cannabis growers because of their discreet size, shorter growing period, and they don’t rely on a change in light schedule to identify when to flower. They are automatic, a monster.

Ruderalis got its name from its homeland – the former Soviet Union. Ruderalis was used by the Soviets to describe the different varieties of hemp which adapted the surrounding region after it had escaped cultivation. Ruderalis contains lower THC compared to either Sativa or Indica, that’s why it has gotten little interest until the time when growers started to breed the different varieties. A lot of growers didn’t like growing this plant way back in times because of its low THC content but when the idea of breeding started, Ruderalis has become the favorite ingredient. Its toughness, discreet size, auto-flowering capabilities and a lot more have made it an eye catcher for a lot of cannabis growers. Usually, indica strains are cross-bred with Ruderalis to produce marijuana which has the THC content of indica and the toughness and the discreet height of Ruderalis. These high-breeds have auto-flowering capabilities which they got from their Ruderalis genes. These high-breed marijuana plants are considered to be one of the best strains.


What is ruderalis weed and autoflowering?

One of the most famous marijuana high-breeds with Ruderalis genes is Ganja Dwarf also known as Lowrider or Lowryder. It has a discreet size, faster growth and flowering, auto-flowering capabilities, and tougher compared to the other marijuana strains. This is good for new marijuana growers because it is very easy to grow.

Ruderalis plant population can also be found in most areas where hemp was once cultivated. The Midwest regions of North America are the places where you can find a huge number of those plants. You can also find them in some other parts in the United States and Canada. There are also some large plantations of ruderalis in the central and eastern parts of Europe, the Himalayas and the former Soviet Union. Because of the lack of human care and intervention, these plants have lost a lot of its original traits.

Ruderalis can also breed well with Hemp which is why it is the favorite ingredient for growers and breeders of marijuana plants. Aside from the size, auto-flowering, and other advantageous properties of this marijuana plant, it is also resistant to insects and diseases plus a lot of other advantages.

A lot of marijuana or cannabis growers and breeders have been investing in breeding marijuana plants with the use of Ruderalis as a part of the whole program. Even with the strict effort of the different governments which prohibit marijuana, there are still a lot of places where you can find this cannabis plant.


credits on info goes to the following:

difference between sativa & indica

what is ruderalis?

credits were gathered from different sites
*i do not take credit for the information*

- ok to delete link if necessary/inappropriate -


now that the infos are out of the way.

lets bring in the pictures!


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sample layout:


Granddaddy Purple Nug


A heavy Indica strain known to alleviate Stress and Pain. Known for its 'grapey' smell and dark purple tones.

(sample pictures arent grown by me)
(also needed pictures to kick off the thread lol)

list of strains will be updated when more info are gathered


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sample layout:


Sour Diesel Nug


One of the most popular and well known Sativa strains, Sour Diesel is generally light green with beautiful orange hairs. Darker leaves aren't uncommon on a Diesel bud. Many people claim it is the perfect Sativa because it doesnt make your thoughts run out of control like some of the other stronger Sativa buds, while still providing all of the other positive effects like creativity and euphoria.

(sample pictures arent grown by me)
(also needed pictures to kick off the thread lol)

list of strains will be updated when more info are gathered

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If autos get there autoflowering trait from runderalis and runderalis is known for low THC does that make autos less potent than photos?

Prior to joining this sight when I would do research I would see people sayin autos aren't top shelf like photos and other people sayin that's complete bs because the afghan kush is supposed to be 20+ thc, and it was kind of back and fourth..

Do any of the medical marijuana dispenseries sell autoflower bud?

Can somebody clear than up for me I was always curious..

I mean the bud from autos on here look good as can be is there any test comparing the two?
If autos get there autoflowering trait from runderalis and runderalis is known for low THC does that make autos less potent than photos?

Prior to joining this sight when I would do research I would see people sayin autos aren't top shelf like photos and other people sayin that's complete bs because the afghan kush is supposed to be 20+ thc, and it was kind of back and fourth..

Do any of the medical marijuana dispenseries sell autoflower bud?

Can somebody clear than up for me I was always curious..

I mean the bud from autos on here look good as can be is there any test comparing the two?

earlier auto crosses were't as potent and didn't yield as much(but neither were earlier photo's it took years of working the desired traits) but other than the "AUTO" dominance most of the best and most potent strains were breed into Auto's and only used the auto dominance gene to determine time of sex being non photo dependant and traits of the other strain breed
Hope this helps
Obviously if Auto's were crap alot of good growers wouldn't waste their time on them
to me the most appealing is the outdoor factor but to each their own really
earlier auto crosses were't as potent and didn't yield as much(but neither were earlier photo's it took years of working the desired traits) but other than the "AUTO" dominance most of the best and most potent strains were breed into Auto's and only used the auto dominance gene to determine time of sex being non photo dependant and traits of the other strain breed
Hope this helps
Obviously if Auto's were crap alot of good growers wouldn't waste their time on them
to me the most appealing is the outdoor factor but to each their own really

But i think this is slightly off thread topic if were not posting pictures:)
But i think this is slightly off thread topic if were not posting pictures:)

nothing wrong with discussion brothers.

if it has to do with the topic (even if slightly off its no worries)

after all -- theres going to be discussions once the pictures get going.

not only will you have some bud porn -- you can also check out the smoke reports (if included) /ask questions from the users who grew the plants etc etc.

if anything else -- hoping this thread will do its job and help with strain selection. :thumbs:
Lets start small
super short 001.JPG
inspired from the thought of a million of theese tiny ones in place of grass in the yard:)
very potent actually sweet/fruity skunnky
just a couple grams at a time