2.5x5 and 36x20 tents. 36x20 is new. I have a 6 in infinity in big tent with carbon filter exhausting outside. I also have a 4in infinity fan available. I guess I can't do a Tee or a wye too many issues sharing the exhaust. So instead can I have my 6 in then an online carbon filter (way less common and unsure if it works as well as standard filter) then run ducts to each tent. On the other side of fan more ducting up to attic then out. Will that work? Here's the only one I can even find...https://growace.com/products/active-air-inline-carbon-filter-6?gclid=CjwKCAiAgbiQBhAHEiwAuQ6BkoktZ8TeP9We0-IIyFVtgO1utriI08dvAbL3OG5Via4C1OZJTZiksxoCZmIQAvD_BwE
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