I use BMO organic nutes, kelp for less' mychorrizal mix and acid complex and last but not least my own personal concoction that is scientifically formulated to either kill it or make it a monster. I give the kelp for less products at sexing 3ml week one. 5 wk two 7 then max that at 10. The bmo products fluctuate flower power I feed every other day stepping it up just as I did the first set. The super plant tonic and foliar harmony I use 5 ml for the first 3 weeks of flower then go to 10 both of those are once a week. My formula is very high nitro ( 1tspn 34-0-0, 1 tspn 20-20-20, 1 tspn epsom salt, 1 tspn hydrated lime, 1 tspn of hydrogen peroxide mixed to 1 gallon of water ph'd to 6.0. I use this as a foliar mist from the first set of leaves and until there is decent bud formation. At that point I stop all foliar feedings. I saturate the starting container and only water as needed until sexing when I tier them into the larger container which again has been saturated and loosened by hand. From there out I give them just a shot of water at a time. Its sad watching one drown.