New Grower Endo Mycorrhizal Fungi Supplier ?

Nov 19, 2014
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Hey Boys & Girls,

I am looking for a supplier of endomycorrizal inoc (mail order), but I only want the product to contain endo's, ideally just Glomus Intraradices. I can only seem to find ones that include ecto's & tricoderma as well. if any one can point me in the right direction, most appreciated.
I am fairly new to this and I apologize if this is not exactly what you are looking for but I am currently using this from Root Naturally.

This is what it contains:
4 Species Endo-Mycorrhizae (Glomus intraradices, G. mosseae, G. aggregatum, G. etunicatum)

It is available from amazon or directly from their website. Hope this helps.
I am fairly new to this and I apologize if this is not exactly what you are looking for but I am currently using this from Root Naturally.

This is what it contains:
4 Species Endo-Mycorrhizae (Glomus intraradices, G. mosseae, G. aggregatum, G. etunicatum)

It is available from amazon or directly from their website. Hope this helps.

Fantastic Papa, thats great, will check it out. New to me too.... but I have heard that with some of the "broad spectrum" innoculants , that the favoured endo's of mj (esp Glomus intr.) will have to compete with all the others to colonize the roots so better to use only the favoured endos of mj ??
Thanks Dingo. I acutally have a pouch of Myco Gold here that I bought last month. It has 4 ecto's + 2 endo's, +, + and the species are not stated on the pack. The ecto's are useless to MJ anyway so I'm not gonna use it and am about to email him and ask to return for a refund. Having further researched mycorrizae of late, I was watching a you tube clip and this myco expert dude was saying that MJ (and most fast growing annuals) form the most beneficial relationship with Glomus intraradices. He stated that using a fungi product with multi species creates alot of competition between the different species and slows down the colonization and creation of the fruiting body of the hyphae and hence plant benefit, so what you want apply is a single species that can colonize your plants roots very quickly without having to face competition from other myco's that will not specifically help the cannabis plant. ANY comments on myco welcome.
Thanks Ronin, thats exactly what I want but I can't see where it says the only species is G.Intra. for that product ?
Thanks Ronin, thats exactly what I want but I can't see where it says the only species is G.Intra. for that product ?
From the package: