Anglo Automatics

UK sown, UK grown
Oct 29, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Girl Scout Cookies Vape extract
Here is a quick recap of my cornfield grow of 2016 which featured autos and photos. The photo below was taken at plant out on 6th July. I had to wait until later on in the season to use this field as Roundup is applied to the corn in mid June, and I wanted to wait a few weeks for it to wash out & dissolve. Of course I also imported my own soil & compost too after the crop spraying had been done to prevent any soil contamination. I also had to wait for the corn to grow a few feet high to offer some protection and camouflage.

Photos went into the ground at 7 days old, after 2-3 days above soil. The autos were left in small jiffy pots for 10-11 days, due to delays in ground prep. I thought it might have made them root bound and cost me valuable vegging time, and potential stunting, but I planted them anyway.

6th July 2016
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I checked in on them daily for about 3-4 days following plant out, but I then made the conscious decision to leave them to do their thing for the next 3 weeks, unattended. And that is what I did. I didn't want to be drawing attention to myself or the area, going back and forth and potentially creating trails in the corn, so I decided to keep visits to a minimum during veg. By now it was approaching mid July and temperatures were starting to max out with days consistently in the 25-30C range and no rain.

The photoperiods being grown are Killer Kush FV by Sweet Seeds, Critical+ 2.0 by Dinafem & Blue OG by G13 Labs. I also have two separate Auto Blueberry's by G13 Labs on the go. The pics below were taken in late July.

Left to right: Blue OG, Killer Kush FV, Critical+ 2.0 (3 weeks)
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Killer Kush FV (3 weeks)
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Auto Blueberry 1
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Autobluerry 2 (bigger)
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Killer Kush FV in the centre, Critical+ 2.0 on the left, Blue OG on the right (4 weeks old)
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Happy with the results so far for considering it was only late July, I decided to leave them again for another 2 weeks despite the high temperatures and non existent rainfall that we were both experiencing then and which we had forecasted for the coming week(s). From late July onwards there was unprecedented heat and drought which gripped the south of England. Days were consistently in the 30C range for weeks on end with 2 consecutive days of 37C were recorded as well as an overnight low temperature of 26.9C which was an August record. The temperature reached 35C eight times during this period and it was clear and sunny throughout bar the odd few clouds. During these 3-4 weeks there was no rain at all, 0.0 inches, and due to the extreme drought, I figured plant growth may have been stunted somewhat. Or was it?

These pics were taken in mid August when the plants were around 6-7 weeks old. There was a brief thundershower on the evening that I visited the plants, but there was only about 30 seconds of rain, in a brief heavy burst, maybe 0.1-0.2 inches at most. Nowhere near enough for myself and the crops. Still it was nice and refreshing being out there in a t-shirt tending to my plants in what was the coolest most refreshing bit of weather for over a month. The plants seemed to have done well too...

groupshot (6-7 weeks)
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Groupshot (6-7 weeks)
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Auto Blueberry 2 (7 weeks)
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Auto Blueberry 2 (7 weeks)
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Auto Blueberry 2 (7 weeks)
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Auto Berry groupshot (7 weeks)
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Killer Kush FV golf balls(6-7 weeks)
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Killer Kush FV golf balls (6-7 weeks)
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Killer Kush FV golf balls (6-7 weeks)
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Critical+ 2.0 & Killer Kush FV (6-7 weeks)
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Critical+ 2.0, Killer Kush FV & Blue OG (6-7 weeks)
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Also, does anyone know how to get full size pics that are in the centre of the page and much larger? I have seen them posted on some other threads...

I'll update the rest in due course... still a lot to get through...
Hey bud....nice recap of last season! Look forward to seeing this seasons grow! I upload my pic at the bottom of the page using the upload button. Pic size is determined by frame size of the pic when it was taken. Once you upload there is 2 buttons, one is thumbnail and one it full size. Select the place in your post you want the full size pic in and press full image. It will transfer the pic to your post.
Sorry I don't use media so I am not sure how to do it through an album.
Going into the month of September, the draught and heatwave continued relentlessly... with daily temps persisting in the 30C (85F) range, including a day of 35C (95F) in mid September, which is pretty much unheard of in the UK. Despite this, the plants showed absolutely no signs of slowing down or being affected by the high temps and severe drought that was gripping the area. I was watering (with nutes) every 7-10 days to compensate for the severe lack in rainfall, and it seemed to work well. Despite the 0.1 inches of rain over 6 weeks, they still grew better than I could have asked for.

Here is a groupshot of the photoperiods in early September...

Cornfield group shot.jpeg

I have never seen outdoor plants, at least in the UK, grow to such proportions in such a short amount of time. I don't know whether it was down to the location, or down to the crazy hot weather... most probably both... but when I planted them, I certainly did not expect them to grow to such gigantic proportions. All I can say is that I was more than happy with the growth and more than impressed with the quality of the strains and how they pretty much grew themselves. The standout plant was the Killer Kush FV by Sweet Seeds which was flowering at light speed compared to the other two, and producing lovely golden buds as shown in the pics below from mid September...

KK Golden buds.jpeg

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I harvested the two G13 Labs Blueberry autos in mid September at 10 weeks old. Unfortunately I did not get any pics during the last 2 weeks, so I have uploaded the last pic I got before harvest, at around week 8. I have to stress, the auto blueberry is the smelliest plant I have ever dealt with, period, both when growing and smoking. My god does she kick up a stink. I highly recommend this smelly bitch.

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Right, I have finally worked out how to insert the pictures in maximum resolution/size so they display as large rather than small. This is going to be a good post...

Firstly, one more look at the auto blueberry in full size image... solid 9/10 plant and the smelliest I have ever grown, period.
Auto Blueberry 3.jpeg

Here is the Blue OG at about 3-4 weeks into flower. By the looks of things an animal has nipped a side branch, most probably a deer that strayed into the plot.
Blue OG.jpeg

Now here is the prized beauty, Sweet Seeds Killer Kush...
KK 1.jpeg

KK 2.jpeg

KK reach for the sky.jpeg

KK 11.jpeg

KK main coala.jpeg

Aerial 2.jpeg

Just before the chop
KK before chop 2.jpeg

And after the first chop... check out the size of those vine branches extending along the ground...
KK FV vines.jpeg

Vine 1.jpeg

Vine 2.jpeg

First chop
First chop.jpeg

KK main coala 2.jpeg

First hang.jpeg

And at that point, 1/5 of it had been harvested... :smoking:
Time for the final update...

After doing an initial, partial early harvest on 5th October, out of fear of losing my crop, potentially, to a combine harvester if it were to come through... I now returned to do the final harvest on October 11th. Low and behold, the corn actually came down 5 days later, so I played it close enough!

Due to the fact that the Critical+ 2.0 was only in week 4 of flower, I decided it was in my best interest to rip her out and bury her since she wasn't going to finish in time (bearing in mind the impending corn harvest) and I didn't want to harvest something only 4 weeks into flower. Not to mention it was done for odour control as I noticed the smell was travelling up to 100 yards as early as late September. After ripping it on my initial harvest (5th October) it really helped to control smell quite a bit in that final week as the C+ 2.0 is particularly stinky. Oh well, I'm still happy with the return I got...

Killer Kush FV bud close ups (6-7 weeks into flower)
KK buds close up.jpeg

KK buds 2.jpeg

KK buds 3.jpeg

And after she had been de-flowered...
Fully harvested.jpeg

Killer Kush main stalk...
Main stalk.jpeg

And just like that, she was ripped, and I promptly left, leaving no evidence of my activity...

Outdoor drying (cough cough)
Drying 1.jpeg

Drying 2.jpeg

Peace and happy toking :smoking:
Man, there's just something about a cornfield grow !

Nicely done. :clapper:
I am honestly so impressed !
You grew the shit out of those plants :greenthumb:

