Early veg, whitish spots on leaves

Jun 27, 2020
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Problem: lime green leaves and whitish spots on leaves, day 17

-Medium/grow method: Canna Coco and Perlite in a 4litre airpot.

-Feed and supplements used:
Full Canna Coco nutes range according to light feeding schedule including a+b, rhiztonic and cannazym.

Currently 0.7EC
PH 5.9
-Water source: 0.05EC rain water
Staring -Seed stockers Thin Mint Crack
-Climate: 50%-60% humidity day/night (bumping this up right now)
Temps 22-25C
- Light used: 18/6 Mars hydro ts600 20” away

-Additional info: plants carried on growing after first feed around day 7, but were relatively lime/pale. Transplanted 3 days ago and had a big growth spurt, then last 18h the like green has become more pronounced but I’m not sure what the white spots are, didn’t accord to any typical ‘rust’ spots on the picture deficiency thread

The zoomed out pic is a bit overexposed but the zoomed in one is clearer

many thanks for any help you can give, as always!


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It looks a little like a potassium problem But? Deficiencies look just like too much!

How are you mixing your nutrients and are you fertigating to run-off? Is it possible you got the A & B mixed up and added one twice and left the other one out?

There is a chance that this is a genetic problem. I want some more eyes on this one. @Waira what do you think about this one?
No chance I got the A and B mixed up. Have been using them for a while and use the same protocol: measure out A, pour into water, mix thoroughly, wait a couple mins, measure and add B, mix then wait. Then take EC measurement.

I am fertigating to run-off twice a day currently (even though it stays very wet).

I have a seedling (day 6~) Seed stocker TMC right next to it only a few days behind, so will see how that one does by comparison but would be nice to save this one. This morning the problem plant had grown more but same symptoms as above pics

Thank you for your input! Currently smoking my problematic dark devil from my last grow which I ended up saving and getting a decent yield from thanks to your help on a thread :smoking:
I was wondering if you have been able to look closely enough at those spots to tell if they are a growth or substance, or if they are colorless leaf tissue. If it is colorless leaf tissue you might find that it has very tiny flecks of green scattered throughout, and in that case you may see those spots multiply slowly and the leaf heal itself at least somewhat. I have one that was somewhat similar to your pics, I decided later that I must have gotten sloppy with the feed water. Now I make it a point to be more careful and if I do have an oops I can always dab off the water and not singe foliage.
It is almost like the top layer of the leaf has bleached off/burned off, it may well have been for spilled nutrients. The plant has continued to grow a little and the spots are no worse, though overall it doesnt look it amazing shape(a good pheno) but I will see how the next couple of days go. Thank you!