Old Reviews Dynavap "The M" - not a computer vape

non-electronic vaporizer
increase the time holding heat after "the pop" until it's gross - you'll know when you overcook it! you can then dial back.

depends on your bud also, drier fluffier stuff less time wetter denser stuff more time. you're never going to get a crazy crazy dense knock you down rip - as a comparison to "back in my day", it's a one hitter not a gravity bong.
I feel you. I was told I have COPD though I suspect it's something I've had since my early 20s. I've always called it scar tissue caused by pneumonia exacerbated by smoking everything that could be smoked. I read recently that cannabis carries a higher risk of COPD than even cigarettes and speculate it has something to do with the filter. So I'm considering my options too but don't want to use the machines for some of the same reasons as you, apparently.