Grow Mediums DWC pump bringing nutrients up to the top? What is that called?

Dec 4, 2012
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I see a lot of pics of DWC buckets that are pumping nutrient solution from the bucket to the top of the root basket onto the young plant in rockwool...What is that pumping system called? Any links to instructions on how its done? I would like to incorporate that into my DWC DIY build...

Just a small water pump and regulater and fittings. Or a gravity feed if you can mount a res above your delivery point.

It seems like it would be really simple to do...I just can't mentally picture where the pump would be placed and how the lines would be run. Do you know what that setup would normally be called so that I can look up more info?
That would be a DWC with a top drip feed :thumbs:

Yep. Gravity fed systems are stupid simple... a simple valve to control the drip speed, but do some tests so you know the flow rate.
Check out your local pet or grocery store with a pet section. You'll find a slew of pumps and airstones that can be repurposed for cannabis.
Hey Jerrylesh, I'm just learning hydro too so I dont mind lookin this stuff up, It's all leg work and desicion making. Check out Grow shops and Online hydro stores to find what you need and then shop Ebay. The store sites give you info, learn the brand names, check reviews. Make a list of what you want to fullfil yur plan and do it. I like to shop local and have 2 good grow shops near me one small one huge.

Again I have not done business or recommend these sites I have used their sites to get info to make mo educated desicions.
My Local BIG store is affiliated with ehydroponics and are happy to match prices:D

Gradolabs is true, I often sneak growing expenses on to my grocery bill at Walmart and the Petstore

If this post is deleted it is to protect the guilty (me) from the wrath of Mrsturd.
