Nov 23, 2020
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HI guys I have an issue with one of my plants' leaves.
No matter what I've tried it just will not perk up and now as it's flowering it's falling way behind the others in term of development.
They're all (10 in total) being fed the same nutrients (Biobizz) 2L of solution per pot every other day as this is the amount of time it takes for the soil to dry sufficiently to warrant watering & they're being grown in the same soil (BIobizz All-Mix) in 12L fabric pots under 600w of Spider Farmer lights 12/6 light schedule temp mid-24c & humidity between 40 & 48% I've dosed it with calmag coz I noticed in the 3rd week of veg some deficiency showing in the leaves. this helped and everything looked good.
I really don't know what to do with it. I've tried halving its nutes, halving the amount of fluid it receives from 2L to 1L. NOTHING. Still looking miserable.
It's definitely not over or under watering issues so I'm guessing some kind of deficiency or build up? The internet is pretty useless when it comes to googling drooping leaves as all they bang on about is over & under watering which as I mentioned before is not the case because all the other 9 plants are on point &this is not my first time growing bud but it is my first time growing autos.
Should I flush it with ph'd water then start over, but with what? I've been told to add Multi Mite Organic Liquid Seaweed to its feed but I don't want to overload it with something that may not be compatible with the rest of the Biobizz range.


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We all sometimes have one plants that misbehaves....Because all others are ok doesn't mean the problem child wasn't this or that. Gotta treat it as one, not part of 10... I don't have any answers but if I was gonna do something, first I'd flush and give it 3 days....
@greenfingered_guerilla :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:.

Lights at 12/6 not equal to 24? I think you are feeding way too much you are supposed to go Feed, water, water repeat with all mix.

More often than not droopy leaves are from an environmental problem. How do you know that the temps and relative humidity are at the levels you state? What are the night time numbers?

you do not mention PH? What is the source and PPM of your starting water?

Bio Bizz.jpg
@greenfingered_guerilla :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:.

Lights at 12/6 not equal to 24? I think you are feeding way too much you are supposed to go Feed, water, water repeat with all mix.

More often than not droopy leaves are from an environmental problem. How do you know that the temps and relative humidity are at the levels you state? What are the night time numbers?

you do not mention PH? What is the source and PPM of your starting water?

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Hi and thanks for the heads up on feeding with All Mix. It would be great if they (Biobizz) published that on their feeding schedule or drew up a feeding schedule specifically directed at auto growers.
12/6 clearly a typo, meant to read 18/6. I ph down to 6.5 using tap water that comes out from the tap at 8.2
I monitor the temp & humidity both in the tents & the room that they're in using Thermopro meters. Nighttime goes down to 20/21c and humidity rises slightly to no more than 50% at night During the day temp is mid 24c and humidity between 40 & 48%.
I turn the pots 45 degrees twice daily as I have two oscillating fans in each tent in opposite corners one higher than the other so perfect air circulation. each tent has an inflow fan below and an extractor above.
My lights ( Sf400 & Sf200) are 24" (61cm) from the canopy during flower.
I picked up some Vitalink Silicon & Canna Rhizotonic today. I intend on flushing her tonight with ph'd water and seeing what happens over the next few days before adding anything. As for PPM I've never had this kind of issues with any of my grows so only ever bought Ph meters. I guess I've been lucky!? I'm currently using Apera so I'll order one of their PPM meters from Amazon.
Once again thanks for your input!