Indoor Droopy Delicious Critic Jack Auto. Help!

May 13, 2014
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Totally screwed up my first attempt at posting this! Hope this goes better. Thanks for all the great knowledge you all have imparted upon me! Have 2 cjas going. Both drooped week 6. Watered 2 days ago with light ff trio nutes + sledge flush. One recovered quite a bit. The other is the reason i'm here. Also have 2 nlba and 1 la diva doing great in same tent. 600w hps, cooled hood but not using 3x3x6 dr90 tent plenty exhaust and intake ffof soil, 30% perlite in 5 gal root pouch ff grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom, beastie bloomz, cha ching, sledge flush, and molasses Hopefully this pic will be ok. Thanks everyone! 008 (640x480).jpg
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Why did you flush?Looks to me she is super dry or something is killing your roots,
Everything was fine up to week 6 alternate flush with sledgehammer and mild nutes. Then both cjas drooped just on top of plant around bud sights. One is recovering nicely, the other isn't. Temps do seem cooler near roots than at canopy. Three other autos in tent are super healthy! Could it be strain related?
No its not strain related.If it's not to dry and not to wet check for soil insects and leaf insects.What is sledgehammer made of?This is pretty strange so maybe someone else will comment.Until than keep herwarm see what happens.
dab'- ... not sure about the droopies,... did it dry severely recently? I do see what looks like either Fe or S defc.,...(these are so close in appearance,... pH is usually the determining factor as for which it is),... both are immobile, so will affect the tops most,... the flush likely prompted it, as it may have been borderline before,... You can treat with epsoms salts (MgSO4), and a supp' that has Fe in it,... too bad you're this far into in bloom, otherwise a foliar spray would be a very fast and easy way to get those goodies in there,... not worth the mold risk, or loading up metal residues on the bud!.... Nammy, Sledgehammer is saponin, yucca extract, a very common surfactant in many other products, helps knock loose bound-up nutes from the soil,... :grin:
Thanks for your help! Temp at roots was 60F and 77F at top of plants. Got some heat down to roots and placed warm blanket between floor and bottom of pots. Plant in question is perking up. Keep your roots cozy. Man it's cold here in Mass.!