drooping reverse-cupped leaves

Mara Cachafa

NY legal hobby grower
Cultivators Club
Apr 30, 2021
Reaction score
Drooping started a few days ago on some new leaves, now effects all the new leaves.
Medium/grow method:
3 gallon fabric pot, sterilized homegrown compost (50%), peat (25%), perlite (25%)
Feed: and supplements used:

General Hydroponics Flora series and CALiMAGic weekly from day 14. Switched from veg recipe to bloom recipe day 28. After symptoms started, fed again without the N component (only FloraMicro, FloraBloom, CALiMAGic, no FloraGro). Symptoms still spread to all new growth.
water source:

high quality tap water (from Lake Erie, pH 6.5-7.0, lightly chlorinated)
Gold Leaf Auto from ILGM, 44 days old today (7/7/21)
light used:
HLG100 4k during growth, HLG100 3k during flower, 18/6 schedule from day 3. Backed off the light yesterday from 12" to 14." Sister doing great at 12" (see yesterday's update to my weekly grow journal).
77°F to 85°F, RH 55%
Additional info:

Sister plant the same age, same strain, same regimen, is not effected. Soil of sick plant is more compacted than healthier sister. Shininess on leaves may be citric acid/ castille soap sprayed on all plants weekly (because of bugs on a different plant (found no bugs on this plant under weekly inspection at 50x magnification). The citric spray has never caused problems on the other plants.
Can't really offer any help, but I while the experts come I was wondering if you have a a picture of the sister plant to see how diferent the other one looks... might just be a sensitive pheno. @Mañ'O'Green if i may tag you, could these symptoms count as N tox?
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Reactions: EP3

    Mara Cachafa

    points: 10
    Your preliminary diagnosis was confirmed by the expert! I see your logo is the "bandera bolivariana." Colombiano?
Drooping started a few days ago on some new leaves, now effects all the new leaves.
Medium/grow method:
3 gallon fabric pot, sterilized homegrown compost (50%), peat (25%), perlite (25%)
Feed: and supplements used:
General Hydroponics Flora series and CALiMAGic weekly from day 14. Switched from veg recipe to bloom recipe day 28. After symptoms started, fed again without the N component (only FloraMicro, FloraBloom, CALiMAGic, no FloraGro). Symptoms still spread to all new growth.
water source:
high quality tap water (from Lake Erie, pH 6.5-7.0, lightly chlorinated)
Gold Leaf Auto from ILGM, 44 days old today (7/7/21)
light used:
HLG100 4k during growth, HLG100 3k during flower, 18/6 schedule from day 3. Backed off the light yesterday from 12" to 14." Sister doing great at 12" (see yesterday's update to my weekly grow journal).
77°F to 85°F, RH 55%
Additional info:
Sister plant the same age, same strain, same regimen, is not effected. Soil of sick plant is more compacted than healthier sister. Shininess on leaves may be citric acid/ castille soap sprayed on all plants weekly (because of bugs on a different plant (found no bugs on this plant under weekly inspection at 50x magnification). The citric spray has never caused problems on the other plants.
View attachment 1352865View attachment 1352866
That looks like Nitrogen toxicity to me.

    Mara Cachafa

    points: 10
    Thanks for sharing your expertise, MoG! I haven't found much info on using the HG Flora nutes with soil. Next grow I'll use half strength, and less often.
I was wondering if you have a a picture of the sister plant to see how different the other one looks... might just be a sensitive pheno.
Here are the Gold Leaf Auto sisters, sprouted within hours of each other, same lights, same soil, same nutes. The one on the right grew faster from the start, topped on day 20. The smaller one was topped day 25. @Mañ'O'Green confirmed your diagnosis:
I cover the basics of using salt fertilizers here. It can help you make decisions on what, when and how much to feed.


    Mara Cachafa

    points: 10
    Thanks, MoG! Already learned a lot on the first skim. Will study it more.
Here are the Gold Leaf Auto sisters, sprouted within hours of each other, same lights, same soil, same nutes. The one on the right grew faster from the start, topped on day 20. The smaller one was topped day 25. @Mañ'O'Green confirmed your diagnosis:
View attachment 1353768
No two seeds are the same. I have grown 6 plants with the seeds all from the same package and I got as many as 4 totally different phenos. I feed them all from the same reservoir and some (at least one) just don't like it almost every time. Yes, it drives me crazy :shrug: