Grow Mediums Drip Depot drip irrigation positive review

Aug 3, 2018
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Currently Smoking
Mac & Cheese, Primal Punch, Arise
I thought I’d share my experience with drip irrigation systems from Drip Depot. I bought my first system several years ago for some trees I planted. Then, I bought another system for an ornamental plant garden. Now, I’ve purchaed a 3rd system to use with my outdoor grow. So obviously, I really like these systems! They are inexpensive, ranging from about $50-$100 (US) for a system capable of watering 15-40 plants, depending on how you configure them. I add a Orbit brand hose bib timer for $25-$45 (depending on 1 or 2 programmable outputs) to automate the system. There’s even a automatic feeding system you can plumb in; although I haven’t tried one of those yet.

These kits can be assembled mostly by hand but I sometimes use a couple of channel lock wrenches to make sure some of the fittings are really tight and drip free. They’re super easy to assemble and the company has endless types of fittings and drip emitters that allow you to design a system that works for YOUR grow, regardless of how it’s arranged. It’s pretty awesome to have a watering system that runs on its own and all you have to do is tweak with it occasionally or turn it off if you get some rain.

The system I’m issuing is designed for a pressurized water source but they also carry kits that’ll work for gravity-fed systems. The ONLY down-side is that they went to an email based tech support system so you can’t call and ask questions any more. But, they get back to you pretty quickly and they’re VERY easy to work with. If you’ve ever thought about a drip system, I encourage you to try one - they’re pretty amazing. It’s a lot better to feed your plants a little bit of water many times a day than to give a big drench but it’s more convenient for US to water once and be done with it. With a drip system and a timing unit I can drip a little water for a few minutes every couple of hours on watering days and the plants love it but I can also program in dry days or tines to make sure they get plenty of dry times as well. The point is, you can water them how you would if you had all day, every day, to devote to your plants!

Hope this helps someone!

Here are some photos from the garden:

There’s a pressure reducer dropping water pressure to 25psi which works great for the system. There’s also a filter attached and a back flow preventer. All this leads to the mainlineand you can see where I branched the mainline using a T fitting on the left side of the picture. They even have valves so you can turn branches on and off independently.

Orbit single outlet hose bib timer

.5gph drip emitter:

Adjustable emitter 0gph-15gph:

Everything I use came from DripDepot. I dont know if they’re sold under a different name or not. You can find them a little way down on this page:

I started with one of their small “tree kits” and then “customized” it to get the droppers that I wanted. The ability to customize any of their “kits” is a really handy feature of their website.

Hope that helps.
Everything I use came from DripDepot. I dont know if they’re sold under a different name or not. You can find them a little way down on this page:

I started with one of their small “tree kits” and then “customized” it to get the droppers that I wanted. The ability to customize any of their “kits” is a really handy feature of their website.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for the info @DTOM420 . Looks like a good site.