DOH! Moron on boared.

Aug 14, 2020
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In my life I have been fourunate and grown my own for periods of up to 7yrs. With the kids fledged my Mrs gave the thumbs up to a small grow tent which I grew SS auto Gorilla Girl in Allmix with Plant Magic 'Old Timer', I did alright. Since then I've done rubbish and have been plagued by Mg/Can issues, new growth being a twisted mess, bud sites being destroyed - it's been rough. In an attempt to combat my grow probs I bought some Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect kit and a new light but my problems got worse. I tried 40% coir in plagron Lightmix and my fabric pots get covered with stuff ejected from the compost - mean while a mate I gave my old light and food to is doing a lot better - this was his first go at growing anything. I'm going mental at this point and bought some litmus paper. Turns out my tap water ranges from pH 7ish to 9+! Now using lemon juice/vinegar/calmag/molasses to bring my water down my girls are doing a lot better. I've bought a cheap pH pen which I'll try to calibrate later and some citric acid. But knowing my high pH I can go back to my diary and spot what went wrong when eg my girls responded very well to calmag so I thought I had deficiencies but it was the calmag bringing my pH down. I did learn a fair bit about temperature/RH and now my lights are on all the time and I put a 60w heater (incandescent bulb) in there which gives me fairly stable environment. Long term I may have to accept PH management and get decent instrumentation. I couldn't believe that tap water could be so destructive which is why it took me 7 months to identify and begin to solve the problem. If only I'd spent £2 on litmus paper when starting out - I'd saved myself a ton of heartache. Here's my wee tent today.
Your plant look good but you should get a good PH meter.Start using bloom nutes with cal/mag
You're lookin like an old pro in that tent. I fancy a nice structured girl, and those ones are looking good. A word of warning though, don't trust litmus papers!!!! Even a cheapo $10-15 dollar pen will do until you can work your way into a good one.
Hey bro,

Like already said before. Buy yourself a decent pH pen (accurate to 0.01). Prices range from 25$ - >150$.
Also buy a bottle of Sulfuric acid. If you don't have a growshop nearby then get a bottle of pH-min from a swimpool store. Just make sure it's Sulfuric acid and not Nitric acid. It doesn't cost much and will last you a couple of grows.
Just be careful while using the Sulfuric acid as it can burn your skin if left to long on there. If you do spill some on your hands immediately rinse with plenty of water and everything will be ok. DON'T GET IT IN YOUR EYES!!
Stay away from the Citric acid as it will cause the pH to swing.

