New Grower Doggie's Nuts?? Is this for real??


AFN Global Moderator
Cultivators Club
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
I was browsing seed banks and I saw this Doggie's Nuts really expensive perennial? Is this even possible?? Can anyone weigh in on this....?? I have a hard time believing it to be true...

Thanks Buds...
I was browsing seed banks and I saw this Doggie's Nuts really expensive perennial? Is this even possible?? Can anyone weigh in on this....?? I have a hard time believing it to be true...

Thanks Buds...

Id say there just Overpriced junk mate :bong:
Not Big Bad John again...?...

WVR..if it the forum..there have been discussions on it...
yeah the big hermie monster some said :)
Id say there just Overpriced junk mate :bong:

That's what I was thinking Red...:smokebuds:

Not Big Bad John again...?...

WVR..if it the forum..there have been discussions on it...

Thanks Mossy! I wasn't considering buying any. A friend was and I was like... WHOA! Wait up and let me look into this thing because it didn't sound right. Saw them on Herbie's and then the price... I'll check out the Big Bad John thing and see if it's the same...

yeah the big hermie monster some said :)

:crying: Terrible! I've just never known a MJ plant that you could harvest and then it would just grow back for yet another crop... As that is what I'm gathering from the description...

Ah yes... As I see it now on Herbie's it is the Big Bad John... I'll go search out that thread! Thanks my good friends!! :smokebuds: I have no interest in buying or growing it... I just don't know how they get away with selling it! :crying:
i found the BBJ strain and DoGGIE NUTS seeds on many sites ,also another company PUKKA SEEDS claims to be have the sister plant to this strain,the claim is smaller ,less potent,they claim this strain can also reamerge again, it is called LONG JOHN SILVER. i found 1 site that DOGGIE NUTS SEED, were advertising many strains . but all the other seeds they offered were photo. i dont understand how they stay in buissnes the prices were completely out ragious, must be alot of wealthy folks out there,if i rember correctly ,as high as 700 usd for 10 seed. just wish i could remeber the site i found that info on. i may have too much time on my hands nowdays,but what i am missing is a good memory,and fer ya young boys and girls out there,this computer navigation and operation aint very easy, fer some of us technically challenged old folks..
see folks i fergot this tid bit ,i wonder how many folks have bought seeds from these guys,because they have been around a few years that i know of.seems like if the plants did not do as specified, why are all these sites selling them still ,surely someone would have complained to the company from which they purchased them from.
this computer navigation and operation aint very easy, fer some of us technically challenged old folks..

Yup...tell me about it...:no:

In all the time I have seen BBJ Talked about..I have never actually seen one grown out..just piles of speculation.
I haven't looked at their propaganda in a long time but I seem to remember that they claim it reseeds itself, not reveg. Hell, any plant left to drop seeds will reseed itself. Drop enough and a few are bound to come up again the next year.

In all my years on forums I've never seen anyone actually grow it either.