Does stress of male effect the quality of its genes via epigenetics?

Aug 24, 2019
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Hello everyone. This is my first post here. Im not new to autoflowers or growing, but i have been out of the game over 10 years and seems like the autoflower game has totally changed during the time :)

Anyhow i have this male with half low ryder and 25% norther lights and matanuska tundra(bred back in day by me and other people when low ryder was pretty much the only commercial AF). Most of them of this generations have autoflowered or at least shown sex without changing light cycle and now i have this one male in a pot with 2 females that i have been keeping on a window and on kitchen sink light for like 3 months now.

The male wanted to start flowering quite a while back, but i managed to slow down the flowering(females werent nearly ready as male was older and they havent bloomed properly) with cutting a lot away from it.

Anyways now the male is about to release its first pollen soon and i have a plan to get a tent and start growing again, this time with the new feminized AF genetics mostly.

When i used to grow back in the days my obsession was to make an autoflower that had something else than just low ryder in it, so i was thinking of mixing some of these old genetics of mine with new autoflowers as im running out of these old seeds and i have this pollen coming just the right time.

But would this stressful and low light life of the male effect its genetics so much that im just asking for trouble if i use this pollen? After i buy the tent, i would rather not have a male flowering in my house. Or are there some filters that would effectively block any pollen from getting inside a female flowering tent?

It seems like the ladies wont be able to flower properly. I have some thrips on it, so i dont really want to take it in the tent when i get it and i dont think it would have enough time/light/etc to bloom with the current setup. And they dont seem to be displaying strong autoflower traits, even tho they shower sex over 2 months ago, so they are disqualified anyways. I have done tons of low and high stress training on them to keep them shorter and because this grow was just for fun and maybe some seeds.

TLDR; Does delaying the flowering via stress on an autoflower male cause crappy AF genes in the offsprings?

Thanks in advantage :)


My males stunk, i believe with less stress from like hot black container mediums and root constriction like with hermies i believe they'll stress early or easy with stink but i'm confident outcrossing shall blend the stink out as the plants adapt to their grow environment.

Wont be getting pollinated next gen from an outside male from the line yet they'll have much less stressful or natural root systems. I think that they may grow out of it from growing to becoming accustomed/naturalized to growing to environment. When growing seeds grown from handfuls of handfuls yeah they'll become homogenize but like epigenetically they should show lots of variation wouldn't be worried about it locking in, for time.

It takes generations wouldnt worry so much about loss of genes over few gens it happens growing only handfuls of plants grown from only handfuls of seed over many several generations before becoming completely switched off and stuff i'd say depends on how many seeds you grow out. i have one seedplant varietal that produced a single apical seed at the very tip of the plant and i accidentally culled it. i'm hoping the other seeds may carry the trait.

well so there is allele frequency I believe you may select for the most resinous cultivars, fractional divide each time in successive recombination i mean try to select for efficient vegetation some plants want longer life cycles at sacrifice of resin this i believe sort of personal you get the ones that sweat resin i'm still trying to grow closer with the plant get an understanding of its paradigm plants Heterogenously they may segregate from phenotype genomic ally.
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Females can produce pollen if stressed but I dont know if males can hermie...

Other than hermie plants pollen being tainted with the hermie genes and stuff like that, stress cant change the genetics of the pollen..

You can have 2 clones off the same male, grow a 8 ft healthy monster and a stressed solo cup male waiting to die. They will produce the same pollen.