Does size matter? No till.

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Jun 7, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Taking a break until harvest :)
***Whoops If one of the mods can be so kind and move this thread over to "Discussion: Living Organic Soils" I would appreciate it. Was unaware their was a sub category that better suits my question***

Good evening everyone!

I'm almost to the start of my first grow and still need to figure out a few certain things. I recently made a purchase from BuildASoil and picked up their No till bundle along with some soil. From my research, I just follow the simple instructions and I should be all set. Now normally the site recommends 15 gallon pots(or even larger) For a healthy living soil environment primarily for Photo grows. However I couldn't find any information in regards to autoflower growing on their website or I.G.

From what I gathered on here I should primarily be using a smaller pot size for auto flowers. My question is can I sustain a organic living soil system in a smaller pot? For example in a 5 gallon pot? Or should I go with the bigger pot. Unlike what all my ex's have told me, I'm unsure if size(pot) matters... Does it play an important, if any, for the overall soil condition for autoflowers? :thumbsup: :joy: I just want to make sure before I start preparing my soil.

TLDR: Does pot :size: with no till system :cools:
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I am currently using 10G and 7G pots with success. They all have 3-4 inches of room at the top for mulches and top dressings. For smaller strains you could get away with 5G pots. I wouldn't put a small strain in a 10 or 15G, but medium to large strains would benefit.
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