Grow Mediums Do any of you use 1/2" tubing with your autopots?

Feb 27, 2020
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I am looking at the autopots watering system. I am looking at doing 2-4 auto plants in coco coir in 3 gallon fabric pots in the autopots with the gh main 3 liquid nutrients with calmag with silicon nutrients. I am trying to decide whether it would be better to use h2o2 or drip clean in it. Do any of you use either of those on there?

Do any of you use 1/2" tubing in your autopots instead of the regular 1/4" tubing. I have read a few people have recommended upgrading the tubing but I have also read many people say they use the 1/4" tubing on there. How many of you have upgraded the tubing and have you had better luck with it? I do not want any floods in the tent on there.
Thanks. Then using the 1/2" tubing to then connect to the 1/4" tubing would not have more pressure to help keep less of the clogs on there?
i dont use bigger tubing on my 4 pot set also i use a product called ataclean keep my pipes clear ive never had a single blockage ever since using it also as chronic says i dont see a benefit using bigger tubing going to the 4mm
Thanks. Then putting the reservoir higher up may help prevent the clogging? The ataclean is like drip clean on there?
No, the clogging will still happen over time because you always reduce to 4mm hose for the float valves. Just clean or replace the hose every grow. When I mixed nutes I used DripClean and never had a blockage.
If you want less chance of blockage use BioTabs. You'll only need water to pass through the pipes then.
Thanks. I may try drop clean. I looked up the biotabs. Do you have to use the extras or can you only use the tabs on it?