Before it slithered back into the brush where it is pictured here, it had slithered along behind me looking at my person as a potential meal, and a threat. As I tried to walk around it, it would not stop following me as I backed up. Then it began to raise into that familiar coil, ready to strike. I couldn't believe it, but it made a strike at a stick I had held out to distance myself. There is no mistake what this creature was, even though it was supposed to be extremely rare in the area. Western diamondbacks are venomous from birth as are many other venomous creatures. As any outdoors enthusiast knows, be prepared for the unexpected and always use caution. No outdoor plot is worth an e.r. visit or an early grave. I had been expecting great things, but this has sharply snapped me back to the reality of urban sprawl. The fact that we share our environment with other life forms that defend themselves, hunt, and live their lives regardless of our intent to overgrow the world. Be safe out there my friends. More to come.