Old Reviews dehumidifier

Jul 6, 2012
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looking on advice on what size dehumidifier i need my tent is 1.5mtrs x 1.5mtrs x 2mtrs thanks sj
thanks namvet my humidity is very high with lights off up to 90%
My portable De-humidifier takes of about 20% are your girls in flower yet? if not they will be good if they are then yeh get them down a.s.a.p even buy loads of throw away de-humidifiers mate they will help for now till you get one sorted :thumbs:
yeah some are 63days does the carbon filter remove humidity.when that shuts down the humidity goes up thanks sj
yeah some are 63days does the carbon filter remove humidity.when that shuts down the humidity goes up thanks sj

never realy thought about that mate to be honest, try leaving your fan and filter on 24/7 i never shut mine down at all :D
Your extraction fan needs to be on 24/7. Always leave it on. Plants need to breathe and your filter won't work unless there is constant negative pressure in the cab/tent/room. Also, carbon filters stop working at and above 70% humidity. This means you need to get the humidity down before your girls start stinking. You can place a dehuiey in the room the cab is in or you can place a smaller one in the tent with them. Carbon filters do not remove humidity.

Just to reiterate, always leave your extraction fan on.
The extraction fan is doing just that...extracting so yes i would say its keeping the humidity lower...i never turn mine off and have a carbon filter as nothing is more of a give away than the smell of a crop. I brought a 50pound dehumidifier and it done the job plus raised my temps by about 1 which didnt do no harm. I only brought it because was paranoid about mold after going so long with my crop id of been gutted to have lost it but tbh it wasnt even needed lol
thanks mr piggy just trying to understand why,so would you have any ideas why when lights go off(its not because of the carbon filter ) the rh shoots up very quickly. could my blackstars be keeping the rh down when there on,i really need to know why. im buying a dehumidifier but want to get the right one, ill be putting it in the tentthanks again sj
What is your rh when the lights are on? Dont turn your extraction fan and carbon filter off at all....they need negative preassure and whats the point having the carbon filter take away the smell durring lights on and then just let the place stink when lights are off. No smell No tell No sell...and you wont have any problems.