Deficiency or Light Poisoning or the Gods are Angry with Me, Happening to My Babies...Mah BABIES


Sep 13, 2014
Reaction score
Soil Grows - Peat Based

What is your experience level?
First Timer

Your Equipment:
.1) Type and wattage of lights.
COB LED's 20w & 10w & CFL's 30-70w 2700-5500k
.2) Distance from tops?
.3) Reflector type?
enclosed reflector & bare bulb
.4) Is there a consistent fresh air supply?
Yes fans blowing always
.5) Do you have an exhaust fan and a circulation fan?
its an open set up no exhaust needed just circulation
.6) What are the bulb wattages, kelvin ratings, and schedule?
see above on a 18/6 light sched
Your medium:
.7) Specific brand and type of soil,
peat based soilless
and anything you've added to it.
vermiculite, perlite, blood meal, bone meal, compost some coir for added drainage
.8) Size of container
1-2 gallon

Your nutrients and water:
.9) Source of water.
PHed tap
What's it's ph?
10) Method of checking water ph
ph pen & aquarium test kit
11) Method of adjusting water ph.
PH down and nutes or baking soda to go up
12) Specific brand and N-P-K ratio for each bottle. List dosages (quantity per gallon) and current feeding schedule.
FF grow big 2 teaspns veg FF Tiger bloom 2 tablespns flwr I add in rice cereal, epsom salts, molasses, seaweed all kind of willy nilly when I feel it
13) How often are you watering between feedings, and how much per watering?
feed every watering but only watering at 10 days still having wet soil prob.
14) Any additives or tea's?
15) Are your ph levels stable, or do they fluctuate?
stable afaik
16) What is your ingoing water's ph?
as close to 7 as poss
...your runoff ph?
1st time i checked it 6.5
17) Do you foliar feed? If so, with what, how often, and at what time do you spray?
Your growroom:
18) Indoors or outdoors?
19) What size of closet, room or hut?
under a table
20) What are the temps and humidity levels while lights are on?
70 degrees 30 RH
...With lights off?
about same
21) Have you seen signs of insects in the growroom?
I have gnats up tha arsehole
Your strain:
22) What strain are you growing?
La Diva showing bad Indica dominate Black JH starting to show Sativa dom
23) Is this an photoperiod strain?
24) How old is the plant?
begin week 8 for LD and day 16 for BJH
25) In what life-cycle is it?
BJH is Vegetative LD is ripening?
26) From seeds or clones?

Whew, probably really easy to diagnose after all that, Mag deficiency right?


It only really manifested on those two leaves which werent the 1st leaves but nearer the bottom. There were tiny itty bitty spots on a few other tips but nothing like these two leaves.
Now it is showing on my baby Black JH plant who is only 16 days old, one small spot. Tells me its a problem with my grow somewhere, need help tracking it.
My best guess is that the soil is never drying completely and or something is prohibiting mag intake?
Whats the fix? re-pot? Water only with a few fl. oz.'s at a time, not to run-off? Thought I had a super-light soil mix going in, just won't dry out!
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Remove those damaged leaves.All most looks like nute burn.Keep your PH at 6.5 never over 7.You should not use vermiculite as it holds to much water.Until you build a bigger root system it will take longer for your soil to dry,this is normal at first.
Thanks for your help. I did some defoliation but left those as they were the biggest fan leaves. I don't think its nute burn because while it does seem to be spreading, its slooooooow on the move and the leaves aren't going full necrosis which when I was experimenting with the upper limits of feeding nutes they did rather quickly and in succession. The La Diva is in week 8, her rootball ought to be 80% of its optimal size ya?
I did not know that about vermiculite, thanks, I thought it aided in draining like perlite. Will not use in the future. Thanks NV.
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Why on earth would you remove leaves? I wonder..
Because they are the beating heart, lungs and digestive system of the plant. Even when damaged, they still photosynthesise. Removing leaves because they were a little burnt is like cutting off a finger because you washed your feet with the wrong soap. Now you have one less finger. No probs, but what if it happens to the next finger? And the next one? And if you keep going like that?
These leaves won't go back to green, but they still hold nutrients and provide sugars. They will never cost energy, because if so, the plant will let them die off. These plants keep it simple; when it doesn't yield enough, then, and only then, leaves will be disposed. MHO: Defoliation is crippling your plant because of some personal aesthetic reason.

feed every watering but only watering at 10 days still having wet soil prob.
Looking at this soil, I can say it contains waaaay too much water. Which also causes lockouts of nutrients, since there's no air (N, O2, etc.) to help transport. If you keep watering like this, you will see a lot of N-def, Cal/Mag-def and eventualy root damage, which can creep up the stem in a matter of days, destroying the plant from the inside out.
The wet soil also explains the gnat problem, they only show up in humid soils.

My advice: keep em on the dry side for a few weeks. The gnats will find it hard to lay their eggs in dry soil, and they will decimate. This would probably also fix the other issues.
Hey thanks for the input...
There are arguments for and against defoliation, Apparently being new to the process I had the light too close and ended up with waaaay to close node spacing. So I got rid of some leaves, plus it looks better?!? Ya, I'm not sure there guy.
The soil being too wet makes sense and is something I have been battling for awhile. I made the mistake of adding vermiculite thinking it would help drainage not promote retention, so I've got that going for me. I wonder, the people that water to runoff what they are using for soil that doesn't stay wet. Maybe its my area or something. I'm in the midwest but my RH near the girls is 35-40%, verycurious. I'll have to change my watering pattern to a little and often and research my soil options for my little future wharvey gals. This plant is days maybe a week or better not 2 from being done so I'm just going to flush and flush, it will stay wet till I harvest her, I'm sure. I will address this moving forward for sure.