Mephisto Genetics Deep Blue C, Smoke and Vape Report


Certified Rambler
Jan 9, 2015
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
White Crack and Alien Vs Triangle
SeedBank: Mephisto
Strain: Deep Blue C
Did it autoflower?: Yes, day 14
Soil/hydro: Soil, Bio Bizz Light Mix + Perlite + Mycorrhiza
Nutes: Bio Bizz (Grow, Bloom, AlgaMic, Root Juice), GO Bio Bud, Green Plant ProCal, Plagron Green Sensation. Schedule HERE
Light (kind and schedule): 20/4 cycle, 150w dual spectrum CFL + 2 x 30w LED corn bulb 5500k + 7-9hrs day direct sun
From seed to harvest date: 67 days
Yield: 251g (wet) > 49g dry

BAG APPEAL: **** The only thing to rank 4 stars and this is through fault of my own, as they have just got the slightest crunchy feel and look to them from over drying but does not seem affect the smoke or cure but next time i am going to nail it. That aside they are rock solid nugs covered in real resinous crystals that will stick your grinder up nice for sure, if it was not for the insane denseness of the nugs i don't think i could have saved the cure as there is just so much sticky moist resin deep down inside these all the way to the core.

THE GROWTH: ***** She started out as a funky little mutant but did not really slow her down much to say, and the mutation meant she ended up giving two top colas and one side cola of near same sizes, so more a plus than a minus :) Just feed her early and regularly and she just seems to grow perfectly with no problems noticed with her at all, as with my Sour Crack a real pleasure to grow.

THE SMELL: ***** After nearly messing up the cure by over drying i managed to salvage it, and after a couple of weeks in the jars and lovely aroma is building of earthy almost rotten berries with a overtone of gasoline that seems to develop more as the cure progresses.

THE SMOKE: ***** As always i seem to taste what i smell but varies a bit depending if vaping or smoking, when vaped the berry taste is lots more pronounced with a aftertaste of sour gasoline, but when smoked gasoline taste takes over with aftertaste of berries. Both very tasty almost as if you can taste both the parents of her Chem City Blues side with the berry taste from the the Auto Blues and the diesel from Chemdogging a very moorish combo.

THE HIGH: ***** I absolutely love this high and i find her really unique and potent in both body and mind, she will deeply relax your body but at the same time leave you able to function well, even though i have noticed sometimes when out walking even 2-3 hours after a smoke suddenly feels like i am floating due to temporary loss of sensation of legs and same in the arms when i vape from the e cig for the same time period, always make me giggle.

When smoked in bigger amounts she can get quite psychedelic, with audio distortions in where sounds come from and picking out certain lower volume sounds from the background. This along with trippy colour distortions and change of perspective very like mushrooms, but without the metamorphosis of objects and people. On a few occasions she has taken me on a trippy high like coming up real fast on mushrooms just to the point when you are about to lose all control, then holding there in limbo before coming back down to a nice happy relaxed body stone with residual color and audio distortions that last 1-2 hours.

MEDICAL NOTE: I was recently diagnosed with IBS, and out of the 3 strains i currently have available this is the only one that i have noticed that nearly completely removes all discomfort in my gut, to the stage that i can forget about it for a good few hours :)

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Thanks for all the rep guys and nice words, as you might guess i love this strain so fantastic news on the new batch Mitch was hoping to get a chance to gets some more :)

@Duggy can you please move this to the smoke report section pal, i was under her dopey effects while posting and it ended up here lol.

Gonna be growing her out next time again now for sure, along with a SODK x Alien in the 1L airpot for laughs ;)
Sodk Alien is nice Spanglish got 2 of her the 2nd Time Nice Stretcher would even go big in your 1l Airpot fun thing(had a 80 cm girl in 6 liter). Btw thx for remindig some Rep coming Your Way for that nice and Detailed Smoke Report.
Stellar performance Spanglish. A little :slap: is in order. Will be dropping a Deep Blue C soon as I finish my dry and clean up of the cab. Can't decide on whether her grow mate will be a Sour Crack or Sour Hound. Probably have to flip a coin. lolol