Oh my absoloute god !! what the hell !!! ive not had much experience with things going wrong in the past .. but all i can think of is maybe a few things... i know extreme cold can cause plants to go into serious shock like this, and also bad soil aeration ... can you easily push your finger in the soil atleast 1" down ? what soil is it ? there is a possibility that this could be caused by root rot ..i wonder if your soil is fairly loose at all , you could be starving the roots of oxygen. but you would need someone other than myself to try and diagnose this problem, i know that if the correct things are noted quick and you give some serious hardcore tender loving care , there is a possibility that you can get her on track .. but also at the same time, do you check your pH regularly? ... i really wish i could help more .. i hope a few people read this and give you as much input as they can ! i am sorry i cannot be of more help