Day 50 fading, brown spotting, possible deficiency?

Dec 25, 2020
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Problem: Brown spotting on leaves, fading of top leaves and yellowing/drying of bottom fan leaves. I can break the bottom leaves off very easily.

Medium/grow method:
Organic soil in 2 gallon smart pot.

Feed: and supplements used:
I have top dressed 1 teaspoon of NFTG One Shot 3-10-0, 3 times. I scratch the surface, and then water it in. Its in a granule form. I also added another inch of soil. I top water.

water source:
Tap water, brought down to 6.0-6.5 with Dyna-Gro PH down

Day 50, Barneys Farms Tangerine Dream

light used:
48w at the wall LED, 18/6, about 6 inches from the top.

72 degrees constantly, not sure on RH since i dont have a meter but its definitely on the lower side as I'm running central heating all day.

Additional info:
This plant has been growing really well and has only had these spots show up in the last few days. My best guess is that its a K deficiency as the One Shot is 3-10-0 and the plant has now ran through what was available in the soil? I have Dyna-Gro Bloom 3-12-6 and Pro-Tekt 0-0-3 available to me, but was hoping to keep this grow completely organic. However I will use these to finish off the grow if it seems necessary.




Running nectar for the gods requires you to do a slurry test on the soil to keep the pH in check. Have run nectar for 3 years now, this last run I stepped back on the bottles and ran one shot, herculean harvest, gaia mania (part B of their line) one shot will work with canna, but not alone, it does not have enough flowering nutes, so supplement with gia. This came from Scott Ostrander, the owner of nectar.... this is everything I ran this round.

One shot
Gaia mania
Herculean harvest
Demeters destiny
Photosynthesis +

Slurry pH veg 6.2 to 6.4
Slurry pH flower 6.4 to 6.7

Thought I could save some cash by going with the oneshot, and I did, but there's something missing from the final product, so I'll be going back to a modified roman regime. To bad, dropped my nutrient cost by 2 thirds.
This round was acceptable, and those that haven't run the full line will probably not see an issue with the smoke, but.... I have.

Edit, I ran the gaia at 50% recommended throughout flower.
I don't know how your other nutes will play with the oneshot. The rest of their line would not react well with it given it has an entirely different transportation system, ntfg uses the calcium molecule for transporting foods, while your other stuff uses salts. 2 different pH requirements.

I'd shoot an email to the guys at OCG and see what they say, but betting they'll say gaia and bump the pH up.
Thanks for the quick responses!

Ill do a slurry PH test to see if something is out of wack there.

I picked up one shot intentionally because I was trying to keep things simple and didn't want to spend a bunch of cash on a big nutrient line/ph testers/etc. I feel like in a ton of beginner grow logs people mess up by getting too complicated (my first grow here). At this point im not super worried about maximizing my final yield but would like to finish up the grow with as healthy a plant as possible with what I have.

Could it also be some toxicity from using too much One shot?

I'll hold off from using any of my Dyna-Gro stuff as mixing that in will probably complicate things further.

Any further advice on finishing this grow out? First time with cannabis and its been super fun!
Toxicity is really hard with this line, your at the beginning of flower, and the consumption of p&k are going up, since there's not a lot in the oneshot, your seeing it taken out of the leaves.

There's a stack of videos on youtube by the ntfg guys, it's a little different than other lines, but I like it, have run the majority of the nute lines out there, in soil, ntfg for the win.

I get the cost issue, on a regular run in the 4x4 normally costs right at 600 bucks. That's soil, genetics, nutes, and the big one, (am in California) power. That is 300 on it's own.
My nute costs for the way I ran their line was about 240 a run.

Now that sounds like a lot, but I normally see between 600 and 800 grams a run, so overall its 70 cents to a dollar a gram.

Like I said, have run their line now for crap....maybe a hundred autos and a handful of photos, have made the mistakes, so will be happy to help you miss them.
Normal advice for salt based nutes can have you going the wrong way, and always remember, Scott and Bob are fantastic at getting back to questions by email.
Ah that makes a lot of sense, should have realized especially with the lower leaves yellowing.
I'll give them an email to see what they suggest I do.
In the meantime whilst I wait on any other nutrients, would you suggest I top dress some more Oneshot since its looking like deficiency? I'm unlikely to be able to get anything else for another 4-5 days.
And thanks again for all your help!
If it's a potassium issue you can make fermented fruit juice with bananas and feed that to your soil. 1 part brown sugar 1 part banana. This might not work for you if you are using salts and not microbes. He is right when you mix different versions of growing they don't always work together if you put one salt product in an organic grow you kill the soil life slowing down absorbtion of nutrients
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Ah that makes a lot of sense, should have realized especially with the lower leaves yellowing.
I'll give them an email to see what they suggest I do.
In the meantime whilst I wait on any other nutrients, would you suggest I top dress some more Oneshot since its looking like deficiency? I'm unlikely to be able to get anything else for another 4-5 days.
And thanks again for all your help!
Oneshot for cannabis can be amended at twice the recommended amount without issue. I initially added 4 tablespoons per gallon of soil (ntfg #4) when I put c them in as little ones. No burn, mostly burn comes from a high salt load more than the nutrient its carrying along.
@globeg2 :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:Not knowing and controlling your RH can be a critical mistake. The nutrients can be correct in the pot but if the RH/Temperatures is too high or too low the stomata on the plant close and the plant can no longer transport nutrients. Try to keep temp 68°F to 78°F and RH >40%<60%.

It looks like P and K are locked out.


Since Calcium locks out Phosphorus and Magnesium locks out K where would it come from? Once again it may be RH problem.
