Good to hear that you spent the $$ on a PAR meter. I've done two grows with the MQ-500 and it was very helpful, especially trying to figure out how to light the tent with meek, miniature Mary on one side of the tent and Jeffzilla on the other side.
Based on what I'm seeing
here, it looks like the HydroFarm reads about 10% - 15% low vs the Apogee. "close enough" — no question about that. You might want to back off if you get a reading in the 900 range since that could be 1000 µmols but that's at the edge of the envelope.
At the end of this last grow, I used 20/4 a lot. If you're reading 550 µmols, you're right at 40 DLI (no coincidence, I assume!) but if the HF meter is reading low, you could be in the low to mid-40's. I'm a "If it's too loud, you're too old" persuasion for DLI! Even here in SoCal, which has some of the highest energy costs in the US, the difference in cost to run a grow at 40 DLI vs 45 is not going to be huge but the increase in yield, at the low PPFD levels that we're talking about, will be close to linear. Money well spent, as I see it.
One issue re. light output and number of plants - if you've got a light that is not very uniform (check out for that sort of info) and have a lot of plants in the grow area, such as a SOG, the plants on the edges of the grow area are going to get significantly less light than plants in the center. Growers can shuffle the plants around or just accept that the plants on the periphery aren't going to get as much light. On the other hand, if you're growing, say, two plants in a 2' x 4', you're still dealing with the light falloff on the edges but, since some parts of the plant are getting a higher PPFD, the average PPDF for each plant, as a whole, will be higher than if you're growing SOG.
One thing that Bugbee stresses is that elevated DLI has to work in concert with good or optimal values in the other parts of the growing environment. Great lights don't matter if VPD is whacky or nute levels are way off. The "Parameters of Growth" pix is a screenshot from one of Bugbee's videos. It helps me understand just how many things we're dealing with.
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That's my tuppence. Sorry for talking your ear off. I find this a really interesting hobby s0 I get pretty psyched about it. Off to do some Amazon returns and then get my head into starting my Gorilla Glue grow. Of course, that will be done while sampling parts of my last grow.