Day 34 of First grow

Mar 9, 2022
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Hello friends again. I am at day 34 and neither plant have begun flowering. Also I am not sure if they are dwarf or not. Somewhere I read a post that said the nodes were too tight on a plant that looked like it was growing much like mine. Should I be concerned and do they appear to be ok? I posted here 11 days ago and they have grown considerably and doing a lot of tucking. I just want this grow to be a success since its growing in Miracle Grow. Thank you all. J
The plants look fine but am just wondering what strain you have and from what breeder??

Sometimes autos don't flower automatically but I think thats a bit rare.
chemdawg kiwi and juicy fruit. I get my seeds up the street from seed connect.
I usually notice preflowers on my autos around week 3 or 4. If your orange don't show signs soon I would switch to 12/12 lighting and see if that helps.

If it helps then you may have gotten photoperiod seeds somehow or a rare auto that does not auto

My first successful indoor grow i used miracle grow too,they grew fine.
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I grew a plant with miracle grow once. Should be fine. Your plants look healthy.
I would switch the lights like hash sloth said.