Day 31 and Jack almost full yellow please help !

Oct 3, 2020
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I always water my plants with pH adjusted water in 3-4 days
I gave nutrients below the recommended dosage
Why did the top leaves of my plants turn yellow?
I searched a lot but couldn't understand exactly why it happened and what I should do

@420Forever @Kyote @AFNG
What medium / nutrients are you using? My guess is they're hungry. You said "feeding below the recommended dosage", perhaps you're feeding too far below and should work your way up. I think some difficiencies only start to show up as the plant moves into it's stretch and flowering when the nutrient demands can change somewhat.
Not a plant doctor here, but my hunch is underfed, maybe 3 to 4 days between watering/feeding at this stage is not enough. The yellowing of the leaves could be not enough N? Maybe post up in the infirmary ?
Those leafs turning yellow down at the bottom are absolutely N deficiency! Up that nitrogen brosef! What medium are u using??
And u are seeing up the plant cuz it’s too the point of spreading since it’s a mobile nutrient! It’s sucking nutes out the leafs to feed itself!
Have all your plants been overwatered at some point ? I see the one on the right in the first pic has some droopy issues going on that looks like over water and the leaves on the yellowing plants look like they have recovered from the same at some point (puffy and wrinkled). If you had some over watering issues it may not be the case of adding more nutes. When you have root issues from overwatering the plant isn't able to take in the nutrients provided. I'm going to take a guess what you are seeing now could be a result of that. Before you increase the nutes check your runoff and see where things are at.

I'm no plant Dr. either but to me it looks like the "root" issues is actually the roots not being able to absorb the nutrients you are feeding. What are the input ppm's and output ppm ?