Day 21 and feeling confused....please help a Rookie!:)

Apr 17, 2020
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Hey guys,

First time Rookie grower at Day 21 and having a few concerns/questions that I was hoping you could help me with....I've attached a few pics of the plant in question as well as listed some basics below.

Basics - Single plant, 2x2, autocob 3500K 32 inches above, temps mid 70s, RH 40%, Soil (70% FF happy frog, 30% ocean forest) and 30% perlite. Black Cream Auto from Sweet Seeds. I just started LST on Day 18, and at Day 21 she started flowering with white pistils on the main. I PH my water to between 6.25 and 6.75.

Question 1 - Do I just continue with my LST from here on out even though she started flowering?

Question 2 - I haven't added any Nutes yet as from what I read I should be good for the first 3-4 weeks with the Fox Farm frog/ocean forest combo. Now that she flowered so young, should I skip with the veg nutes and go right to the bloom nute schedule (using Fox Farm Trio).

Question 3 - What do you guys think is causing the leaves to claw? I read it could be Nitrogen toxicity (feels unlikely with no nutes), light burn (AutoCob at 32 inches doesn't feel likely), wind burn (fan is on low and indirect), over or under watering (30% perlite and I water until it comes out of the fabric pot and then leave it for about 3 days until its light - None seem to apply, any guesses?

Question 4 - What do you guys is causing the yellow bleaching of the lower and mid level leaves?

Question 5 - As you can see in one of the pics, there are small yellow dots on a few of the leaves, which were there after I saw some little flies fly off, the flies were yellow and black and really tiny. Anyone have any ideas what they could be and best way to treat....I just started researching Neem Oil, but read that it's not great to use during flower, so I'm feeling more confused!

Thanks for any help or insights to the above guys, I really appreciate it.

Thanks, Mr Jinx

I'm a rookie too, on my first grow so i'm no veteran. Not exactly sure why it would go to flower so fast. The thing that pops out at me is your VPD. Mid 70's at 40% which will create a very high rate of transpiration. You my want to get a humidifier to keep it in range. Here is the chart i go by for VPD.

Here is my theory or guess: With the high VPD the roots never developed enough to be able to feed the top growth which caused the plant to begin to flower, or bad genetics.
Don't worry I'm positive the Veterans will respond with what the problem is.