New Grower Day 2 anxiety

Hey ginga Ninja welcome to afn :) Your little seeds will be fine, you're overthinking, as we all tend to do at the beginning of our journey. The third one will grow towards the light and straighten up, dont worry about coloured stems or any of that stuff it'll take a while for the seedlings to show any visible improvement, as they are more concerned with growing their roots at the beginning. You have stuff coming at the end of the week, they'll be fine until then. Remember we grow for enjoyment not for worry!
Hey ginga Ninja welcome to afn :) Your little seeds will be fine, you're overthinking, as we all tend to do at the beginning of our journey. The third one will grow towards the light and straighten up, dont worry about coloured stems or any of that stuff it'll take a while for the seedlings to show any visible improvement, as they are more concerned with growing their roots at the beginning. You have stuff coming at the end of the week, they'll be fine until then. Remember we grow for enjoyment not for worry!
Thanks for the encouragement. I checked on the seedlings this morning and immediately figured out I was worrying for nothing. All look really bright and happy today...the bent one straightened completely out in 6 hours. Amazing little plants.