Indoor Day 1 started germination

The blog entry Day 1 started germination has been updated:

Update: took dome off already, was advised against it. Moved temp and rh lead closer to the pot, numbers spiked humidity went to the upper 60s then into the mid 70s 2 hours after repositioning the sensor lead. Got it dialed in so its hovering right around 75-80° about 4 inches above the pot and rh is holding in the 57-63% with lights on. No dome needed at night Im thinking I'm gonna see rh hit almost 75-80%.
Hey getting started eh!?
Yessir, so excited there isnt much info about this particular strain though as its relatively new from humbolt. But its suppose to be really good for beginners, so we'll see. I tend to get a little restless while growing...almost like I just wanna watch it sprout veg and flower all in a couple hours.....i have very little patience, but Im trying lol
You can always just continue this thread as it is and pop the pictures in as it goes. I think threads are far easier to comment on.

If you want to make the photo updates easier to find, just mark the post with a threadmark and label.
You can always just continue this thread as it is and pop the pictures in as it goes. I think threads are far easier to comment on.

If you want to make the photo updates easier to find, just mark the post with a threadmark and label.
Ok im unfamiliar with this whole forum thing. Ive never used one up until whenever I joined here
Since im to dumb to figure out how to work this stupid blog im just going to be posting updates through this thread here. Im technology illiterate so keep that in mind as I journal my grow to become a member of the cultivators club.

Day 5

Was worried my soil burned my seed to death as Ive normally seen a sprout within 5 days in the past


Shes growing for sure knocked off the shell but I planted her way too deep and that was a mistake Ill never make again. Also I think in the future I will be using dry mixes to start my seeds as this bag was wet as hell right from the store. Way too wet to be starting seeds as Im understanding from the community. Just happy to see its making progress.

Still learning. Hopefully shes standing straight up in 24hrs.