Curling leaves.

Apr 23, 2020
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Hi everyone, i have a plant with leaves that are curling in at the edges and im not sure why.
I grow in a self made cabinet ( micro grow) 40cm ( w) x 45cm ( d) 100cm ( h) ( filter is external )
Light is a Rhino 70 ( 65w ) LED QB supplied by HLG as they didnt have their own version in stock. Recommended for a 60x60 veg 45x45 flower.
I have a pc fan for airflow and a black orchid axial flow via a rhino filter for extration.

The plant in question is Pure red cbd by sweet seeds. planted 22/11/20 so approx 6 weeks from seeds

10 lt of biobizz allmix with charge, worm castings and great white.
initially planted in seedling mix with perlite and worm castings
feeding was initially just rainwater with a small amount of coconut water for the first 3 weeks
topped at week 3 ( experimentation )
then 1ml/L of fish mix for 2 weeks
1 week ago she was given 1ml/l biobizz calmag 2ml/l biobizz bloom.

Initially i believed the problem was heat stress as i was experimenting with light distances and the light was likely too close.
for the past 2 weeks the light has been approx 18inches from the plant but she shows no sign of the leaves recovering.
Having not experienced this before im not sure if i should expect the leaves to recover or if she id doomed.

I am wary of posting pics here due to the info that may be included in the file but id appreciate any help you guys can give.

Well, without photos it's difficult bro, the doc has also to see who comes in his practise......
Well, without photos it's difficult bro, the doc has also to see who comes in his practise......
Youre right , i am concerned about data being attached to digital pics though .