So, I've been thinking. I will try to change the XP-Ls for XHP50 (native 12vdc). The XHP70 "scare" me as I expect them to be too strong (4022lm/32w a piece = 125lm/w) for such a small space and bleach my plants. Plus the XHP50 has a great lumen output for the watts => 2546lm/19w = 134lm/w!
Now I wonder, given the very limited volume of my space, should I install 2 or 3 leds? According to another website, 5000lm per square foot is average and 7500lm per square foot is high. I would expect 2 XHP50 (about 5000lm) to suffice as that already would be at least twice what my present fixture outputs. Light bleaching is a concern because of the fact that the fixture will be immobile and I already have light burning problems with my present fixture when the plants come closer than 5cm to the leds.
What do you guys think? 2 or 3 XHP50 in my 52cm L / 23cm D / 44cm H box?
Sorry I was going to get back to you earlier with some kind of answer to your previous questions but I go side tracked by life. I had a look at the XP-L and XPE I-V characteristic and if you want to go down that route I can try to help figure out what ratings of resistors you'd need, although it would be less than ideal and possibly impractical. One big problem with using those LEDs (I'm assuming the other cree 3w were XPEs?), is that if you drive the XP-Ls at 3v they draw over 1A of current, which is well within their rating, whereas the XPEs only draw around 200-300ma, if I'm remembering correctly. This could cause problems if one of the XPLs died, because that current has to go somewhere and could blow the XPE strings. However if the XPEs went the XPL string might well be able to take the surge current caused by one or both of the XPE strings blowing, but don't take my word on that I am no expert, not yet at least
Another thought I had was that you could put fuses on each parallel string which would blow if one LED went, but at least it wouldn't destroy your whole set up. Another option is build a simple current source circuit out of a couple of transistors if you're comfortable with a soldering iron.
In all honesty I still think your best bet is to try to find a constant current boost converter that's in budget and wire all of your LEDs in series if that's at all possible. You can get ones on ebay from china for dirt cheap, I'd be more than happy to have a look and give you a hand finding the right kind of thing.
In terms of bleaching your plants I don't think that anyone who hasn't tested them empirically can really advise you on whether 2 or 3 of those LEDs is going to work, because a lot of that if not all is purely trial and error.
What I would recommend as a strategy if possible is using as many LEDs as possible but running them at a lower drive current. I don't know if you've already bought them, but you can get cree XPEs for cheap off of aliexpress, they won't be the best bin, but at very low drive currents the efficiency gain from driving them softly might make up for it.