Credit Card

im sorry if not im not to computer savvy
This is meant in the kindest and best way possible... since (if I'm not mistaken) a large part, if not your entire business is conducted online, you might want to hire someone who is "computer savvy" to represent your company in this medium, at least part-time. Just a thought.
I ordered an sent my money order on Tuesday. Still waiting the credit card 💳 system was down an I had to send check .my order was 565 dollars so I'm definitely hoping I get it soon I live literally 15 miles from Oregon elite seeds
I ordered an sent my money order on Tuesday. Still waiting the credit card 💳 system was down an I had to send check .my order was 565 dollars so I'm definitely hoping I get it soon I live literally 15 miles from Oregon elite seeds
I received my seeds would recommend this seedbank