OLD REVIEWS :) CreamCaramel and Syrup smoke reports


Personal-Use (Organic)
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
CC once cured bloody nice smoke great high strong tasty smoke one of the best iv had

Strain: CreamCaramel (auto)(Feminised)
Growth: 56 days from seed nice and fast
Nutes: seasol only little mainlly soil had nutes
Yield: i only got 15 grams grown under energysavers
Bag Appeal: Beautiful colour tinge nice hard buds 9/10
Smell: fruity/shunk 9/10
Taste: clean slightly caramel flavor once cured 9/10
The High: buzzy long lasting high .
Medium: Wormcastings and coirbrick

Comment:Try it guys underated strain 19% thc had no sickness or anything
if i concentrated all the lights on this plant i would of got an ounce +


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Strain: Syrup (auto)(Feminised)
Growth: 63+ days from seed
Nutes: seasol only little mainlly soil had nutes
Yield: i only got 14 grams grown under energysavers
Bag Appeal: sweet hard frosty buds 9/10
Smell: fruity/shunk 9/10
Taste: clean slightly blueberry flavor 9/10
The High: nice high .allround
Medium: Wormcastings and coirbrick

Comment: nice plant big buds

other info just added
k creamcaramel in 5 litre pot syrup 4 litre
eight 24watt clfs
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Asi, these reports are a great contribution. I know I appreciate them greatly. CreamCaramel wasn't even on my radar before I saw this review.

Other than the CC, which of the auto's would you say has been the most potent?

Nice work. :thumbs:
Great report!! Thanks for the contribution to our community. :) What was your lighting and how many plants were you growing. I see you said CFLs, but how many watts/positioning? How many plants total under the lights and what pot sizes? Just curious, it'd help to speculate yield for my setup.. the CC sounds delicious but the syrup LOOKS killer.
Wonderful looking strain! Thank you very much for the smoke report brother. I will keep an eye on this strain :D
Well that's reassuring. Im hoping to get a few oz's of mine. Hearing your review made me glad I took a risk on them.
nice one bro
I wanted CreamCaramel as soon as I saw the strain (my sweet tooth showing) after seeing how tasty yr buds look its a definite on the to do list :thumbs:
Great reveiw ASI...just finished a syrup myself...has been a really good high with body buzz for me....Buddha has done it right for sure. I grew mine under T5 24/0 for a month, finished under 400w hps 12/12 ....got just under oz in 2 ltr pots, biobizz nutes. Great strain! Def on my 'again' list....
gotta say im loving the auto cc from sweet seeds ..i grow mine in 1.5 litre mesh pots that i made with a mix of coir and homemade soil/compost fed only on oldtimer bloom organics starting at 1 ml per litre from seed finishing on 5 ml per litre ..sadly for some unknown reason i cant upload pics at the moment


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DSCN0329.jpghey Asi, great report, makes me look forward to harvisting this CC in a week or two :smoke:
I just finished off the last of the syrup i grew. Pretty good smoke and nice relaxing high. Buds looked good but nothing to make it stand out. I grew it in a 10 gal. tote DWC under cfl's. I got just over 1 1/2 ozs and i had some problems in the begining so i think it had potential to get more. Anybody who tried it definately had good comments about it as well. Reccomended!