Hi all, new grower, first grow here. I`ve been lurking around here, reading, learning and planing for about 5 years, finally everything came together to start my first grow. Studied molecular plant biology at uni, so maybe those years will be useful firs time in my life lol. So where to start? Retrograde journal will be this post, as they are 4 weeks old already. But first about my setup.
Tent: 4x8 unknown brand grow tent
Lights: DIY built rig with 12 cxb3590s, in total they draw 980 watts
Fan: can`t remember the brand, sucks 400 m3 hourly, should be fine I think
Medium: Plagron Light Mix
Nutes: AN Connoisseur, Voodoo Juice, B52 so far, my calmag should come in today, later on planing to give em Big Bud and Overdrive
Pots: 3 gal fabric pots
Strain: 5x Royal Northern Lights, 4x Royal Cookies, 1x Royal Jack
Water: RO water
So started them in paper towel, after 24 hours all of them germed nicely except one Royal Bluematic, so after a week of waiting started a Jack. Planted them about half an inch deep, the next day they were all out of the soil. The light was a bit too high and a bit too dimmed down, they stretched a bit longer than I would like them, after lowering the lights and putting on full power all problems were sorted.
For the next week I`ve been watering them with plain RO water, then started with the Voodoo Juice at 1/8 strength, built it up to full strength in two weeks or so.
10 days old here:
17 days old:
On the third week I introduced them to the base nutes and the B52, started at 1/8 strength, now they are getting the full strength of b52 and about half the base nutes, after week 3 they`re not getting any more Voodoo Juice.
I was very impressed with the quick growth, but the last week looks like they slowed down. I`m not really satisfied with their sizes, and I hope they will stretch a bit more. But as a noob, I don`t know, maybe this size is normal for this age. Needed to order some Cal/Mag as well (thanks amazon prime for the super fast delivery lol), as I`ve noticed some brown spots on the leaves of 2 girls, and just started to read a bit more about it. AN stated at their site that you don`t need additional calmag, it`s all in the base nutes what the plant needs. Looks like it`s not so true, and probably the RO water doesn`t help as well lol. So that`s where we are now, three of them are already flowering, they look happy and healthy to me, now tell me what do you think? Thanks for all the info here, helped a lot. And I`m not a native english speaker, so sorry for any mistakes taken. Peace!
Tent: 4x8 unknown brand grow tent
Lights: DIY built rig with 12 cxb3590s, in total they draw 980 watts
Fan: can`t remember the brand, sucks 400 m3 hourly, should be fine I think
Medium: Plagron Light Mix
Nutes: AN Connoisseur, Voodoo Juice, B52 so far, my calmag should come in today, later on planing to give em Big Bud and Overdrive
Pots: 3 gal fabric pots
Strain: 5x Royal Northern Lights, 4x Royal Cookies, 1x Royal Jack
Water: RO water
So started them in paper towel, after 24 hours all of them germed nicely except one Royal Bluematic, so after a week of waiting started a Jack. Planted them about half an inch deep, the next day they were all out of the soil. The light was a bit too high and a bit too dimmed down, they stretched a bit longer than I would like them, after lowering the lights and putting on full power all problems were sorted.
For the next week I`ve been watering them with plain RO water, then started with the Voodoo Juice at 1/8 strength, built it up to full strength in two weeks or so.
10 days old here:
17 days old:
On the third week I introduced them to the base nutes and the B52, started at 1/8 strength, now they are getting the full strength of b52 and about half the base nutes, after week 3 they`re not getting any more Voodoo Juice.
I was very impressed with the quick growth, but the last week looks like they slowed down. I`m not really satisfied with their sizes, and I hope they will stretch a bit more. But as a noob, I don`t know, maybe this size is normal for this age. Needed to order some Cal/Mag as well (thanks amazon prime for the super fast delivery lol), as I`ve noticed some brown spots on the leaves of 2 girls, and just started to read a bit more about it. AN stated at their site that you don`t need additional calmag, it`s all in the base nutes what the plant needs. Looks like it`s not so true, and probably the RO water doesn`t help as well lol. So that`s where we are now, three of them are already flowering, they look happy and healthy to me, now tell me what do you think? Thanks for all the info here, helped a lot. And I`m not a native english speaker, so sorry for any mistakes taken. Peace!