Extraction Coconut oil gummies


Cultivators Club
Dec 22, 2016
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So, I just popped these out few mins ago. The 1st set of gummies I made with oil from decarbed material from the lift decarboxylator. Bought mold special for coconut oil off Ebay need to get 1 more maybe 2, had to do last few with different mold lol. Got 37.5 but hearts are just a little bit bigger so would have been 38 gummies per batch with 5 doses(my dose). I have ice cube molds that I put oil in 5 cube = 1/4cup which is how much I use. So looks like 7.6 gummies equal 1 cube round up to 8 lol. Have not tried yet going to tonight. Last night I ate 1.5 or 12 gummies worth and was jacked up.




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did you use a canna recipe for these or just winged it using any old gummies recipe?

What's the flavor? Looks like lime to me :)
A mix of a couple I found. Yes, like very little taste. I did another batch of 37 today that were jolley rancher watermellon. I did 7 tonight I think 8 is good but little much to eat. Not hard, surprisingly good just be nice if 2 or 3 was enough tho. I can do 2oz's per 16oz instead of 1oz should get me down to 4ish which 4 I would take for sure. If just for me I wouldnt care, but some people want them and don't want to give them 8 and say this is 1 serving lol I could see how someone may think 1 is a serving. They are 8ml molds so not a gummy bear. Not bad to eat but looking at 8 looks like a lot. I got the recipe for gummies like you buy from store, not recipe with jello. Got to get a few ingredients from Amazon to make so just using jello kind for now. Mixes surprisingly well with coconut oil. I didn't spray mold this batch non stick when popped out. I got some flavor concentrates going to make some energy drink Durban poison and green crack. Rockstar has a killer grape and killer black cherry which are both great tasting and have grape and black cherry jello to pair with. Was gonna do black cherry with lsd 25, but not sure the point of a indica mix with energy. These things are so easy to make too. May try with chocolate if I can get a double boiler.
Bro that is way to many candies to eat to get your meds/buzz. I eat half of a small square of chocolate and I'm good thanks to Dr @Mañ'O'Green Not that I'm diet aware or anything but I do prefer to just have a small edible instead of lots of candy. And from what i have limited experience with dispensaries and their extract candy products you only need at most one of their gummies. They do come in different doses of mg of thc though. If you are eating 7-8 gummies, I think something is off with the recipe no?
A mix of a couple I found. Yes, like very little taste. I did another batch of 37 today that were jolley rancher watermellon. I did 7 tonight I think 8 is good but little much to eat. Not hard, surprisingly good just be nice if 2 or 3 was enough tho. I can do 2oz's per 16oz instead of 1oz should get me down to 4ish which 4 I would take for sure. If just for me I wouldnt care, but some people want them and don't want to give them 8 and say this is 1 serving lol I could see how someone may think 1 is a serving. They are 8ml molds so not a gummy bear. Not bad to eat but looking at 8 looks like a lot. I got the recipe for gummies like you buy from store, not recipe with jello. Got to get a few ingredients from Amazon to make so just using jello kind for now. Mixes surprisingly well with coconut oil. I didn't spray mold this batch non stick when popped out. I got some flavor concentrates going to make some energy drink Durban poison and green crack. Rockstar has a killer grape and killer black cherry which are both great tasting and have grape and black cherry jello to pair with. Was gonna do black cherry with lsd 25, but not sure the point of a indica mix with energy. These things are so easy to make too. May try with chocolate if I can get a double boiler.
Wow I think I am going to have to reread this later? :doc1:

I just use a metal mixing bowl over a stock pot with a couple inches of water. Just get it hot enough to melt the chocolate - not boiling.
Wow I think I am going to have to reread this later? :doc1:

I just use a metal mixing bowl over a stock pot with a couple inches of water. Just get it hot enough to melt the chocolate - not boiling.
That should work, was your chocolate recipe for rosin or butter?
Bro that is way to many candies to eat to get your meds/buzz. I eat half of a small square of chocolate and I'm good thanks to Dr @Mañ'O'Green Not that I'm diet aware or anything but I do prefer to just have a small edible instead of lots of candy. And from what i have limited experience with dispensaries and their extract candy products you only need at most one of their gummies. They do come in different doses of mg of thc though. If you are eating 7-8 gummies, I think something is off with the recipe no?
No, it's not super strong. I made with some trim and old fluffy bottom of jar. I made like 3 cups so can make stronger. I have no way of know how strong until I sample so didn't want to strong. Unless is super dense you cant put like 3oz with 16oz oil in mbm, I have tried the top stuff doesn't get touched. You have to do a couple runs with same butter if fluffy. Only done 1 run low on bud so may wait. It's as strong as was with normal bud I made before. I would use 1/2 cup oil (10 ice cube molds) would make 32-33 cookies. I would eat 3, so 3 cookies per ice mold. I think that even tho I was using lower quality, the decarb was much better with the lift. So I came out about even. When I use straight frosty buds I'm sure it will be stronger. I could put more oil in to make stronger but don't know if will mess up recipe. The recipe I got canna part from was using rosin in coconut oil so I'm sure it was stronger. This was a test of how well the lift decarb worked. I didn't use good stuff. I am getting some rosin ready to mix with oil.
Nice video, thanks. If you have rosin that is decarbed, how long does it need it sit in coconut oil to be absorbed into the oil?
If you used a matching amount of coconut oil to rosin instead of cocoa butter to decarb. It would just need to be stirred really well since it is already infused into the oil. Anything that will absorb or blend with oil will work.