Where most dwarf strains auto flower in about 3 weeks, supers take a week or two longer to show sex. So instead of having a total veg period of about 6 weeks, theirs is about 8. That doesn't give you much time to grow them big enough to clone, then take clones and grow them out before they go into full flower. I know people have tried to do it but most soon realize that autos, even supers, aren't good candidates for cloning.
All the super autos have been bred by the breeder Stitch, who is a member here. With good reason, he doesn't release all the information about the genetics of his strains. I doubt he'll tell you much more about their heritage beyond what is published by the seed banks. As far as specifics about the individual strains, check the indoor forum and the strain reviews. You'll find grow journals and smoke reports that should answer your other questions.