Indoor Chefs Perpetual spot featuring Viparspectra

Update #1


Cultivators Club
Apr 4, 2021
Reaction score
Hey Autoflower Fam!

Im here bringing to you all my permanent little corner of AFN. I’ve decided this would be the easiest way to keep everyone up to date without creating too much work for myself making a million journals.

I grow with a variety of nutrient systems. The two main ones I’m messin around with currently are Prescription Blend nutrients, 6 part liquid fertilizer system, and Geoflora organic dry amendments. Both systems are run in promix currently.

Viparspectra was kind enough to hook me up with two of their XS4000 panels. They’re 480w out of the wall. They’re built with Samsung LM301B chips and Meanwell drivers. They’re also standard equipped with a dimming knob. They run completely cool to the touch, even at full power. It’s amazing.

Now, onto the plants…

In the Veg tent I’ve got a whole gaggle of plants, including my pair of Black Lebanons from the SSSC Grow n Show/Product test.

I don’t remember what day they popped, but they hve been growing nicely, rather quickly. They’ll be up potted in a week or so to 1 gallon fabric pots. There are a number of clones around those girls as well. There are a pair of cookie n chem clones. That’s my keeper plant that I’ve been growing for a number of years. There are also a pair of Black Cherry Punch clones from In House Genetics.

the other half of that tent is taken up with 4 girls I started a few weeks ago. They were up potted into 3 gallon pots two weeks ago and now filling out their root zones completely. Starting back right and going clockwise we have Divinity Remix from IHG, Apricot Jelly from IHG, Ken Este’s Granddady Purple, and Twisted Helix from IHG.

They’re looking very very good.. and healthy!

In the 4x4 flower tent I’ve got 2 GSC girls from weed seeds express. They’ll be coming down in just a few days.

couple big floppy chunky gals. My favorite.:woody:

There’s also a BCP clone in flower, I’ll show y’all later.

that’s it’s for the starting post. I invite anyone and everyone to join me! @Cultivators
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The ladies are fucking explodulated. You guys thought I was out of space a week ago, shit look at this jungle now. I’m about to flip the girl who first showed her self.. soon as the clones show roots. I’d guess in next week or so. I’m going to up pot her to a five gallon as well.

First girl to go is down front left right there.

I thought this was interesting, back righty has a nice even canopy with absolutely no training. Not even a top. That’s pretty fun.

In the flower tent is the solo black Cherry punch. She’s all alone in there, but things are about to get switched up. I don’t even remember what day it is. I wanna say 24-25ish

That’s it for now.. oh wait one last thing. I just dropped a couple of big fat GSC plants. I’ve been harvesting them over the last few days. Here’s one of the first sample nugs I dried quickly.

It smokes pretty good too. :peace:
Thanks Bobje! I’ve got about a half pound more where that came from!
Update #2
Alright so it happened.

First bag seed plant got up potted to a 5 gallon bag and put into 12/12. Tomorrow will be day 1. She’s been getting the colloidal silver treatment as well so hopefully she’ll be able to give me some pollen to throw around. I spread her branches out real good to take advantage of all of that open space. As you may or may not notice, she’s only got 8 main tops and absolutely no side branches. Should be some nice colas.. and nothing else.

I just did her ties so she looks kind of haggard. She’ll look amazing tomorrow I’ll bet.

here’s a massive bud from the gsc