Hi Guys
New to this forum, so welcome to me and hello to everybody.
A little about myself before the post really begins. Getting an old fart at almost 40, but still somewhere in between 16 and 20 years inside my head. Been smoking this wonderfull plant since I can remember and I'm still not letting her go
The last couple of summers I've been growing at my balcony. This is not going to happen again. Last summer I realized my neighbours had their windows closed throughout the blooming and opened them up as soon as I harvested. Never said anything, but this is too risky and with very short summers (northern Europe) I can't grow my medicine for the year at a small balcony and supporting criminals (aren't we all) paying ridiculous amounts for bad weed is not an option I like. So...A little over a month ago I decided to see if I could make it indoor. Made some research and decided to go with LED. Found a cheap reputable seller at fleabay. Ordered it and received it a few days later, just to find out it wasn't working. The fans worked and that was about it :-/ Fixed the issue (bad wiring) and the most weird light ever seen got in to my eyes. So far so good, but the trouble wasn't over.
I had two seeds left from last summer. Norden seeds, Viking Blue was germinated the paper towel method. Always had 100% germination this way. Somehow I convinced myself I would reuse the soil from last summer. Standard soil from nearest supermarket. Don't. I had nothing but trouble. I soaked the soil, fed it heavily with nutrients and left it for about to week and flushed it before putting the seeds in. Both seeds cracked the soil within 36 hours and everything seemed fine for the first couple of days.

A few days went and 1 morning when checking my plants I saw some small flies cruising the soil. Congratulations on reusing your old soil from the outside dumbass. Now you got fungus gnats. I actually thought the winter would have taken care of any problems. It didn't and combined with no airflow and high humidy and a bit cold temperatures around 17-19°C my babies were in trouble. Tried several not working solutions. From putting cigarettes in soil to vinegar in glasses with a little soap. Nothing helped and one of the plants totally stopped growing.

Off to the nearest growshop and bought some Biobizz All-mix. Replanted both of the seedling to new pots, after the all-mix had time to start, leaving no old soil at all. I mean nothing. Washed the seedlings under running water directly from tap. The biggest of the plants had almost no roots. Just around 2cm and I managed to break the not existing root on the small one. Another great job
Decided to let the small one go. At this time it was about 10 days old and completely had stopped. I would give it a chance anyways just to see if anything happened. Placed it in a very small pot and left in on the balcony in the perfect temperature of -4°C
The "healthy" of the two got replanted, but really started to look very bad in a few days and never recovered and died.

17 days after the small babies saw their first light I was left with nothing but trouble and complete disaster. New seeds was ordered
To be continued...I need a smoke
I assume you can understand my English. If not, shout to a wall
New to this forum, so welcome to me and hello to everybody.
A little about myself before the post really begins. Getting an old fart at almost 40, but still somewhere in between 16 and 20 years inside my head. Been smoking this wonderfull plant since I can remember and I'm still not letting her go
The last couple of summers I've been growing at my balcony. This is not going to happen again. Last summer I realized my neighbours had their windows closed throughout the blooming and opened them up as soon as I harvested. Never said anything, but this is too risky and with very short summers (northern Europe) I can't grow my medicine for the year at a small balcony and supporting criminals (aren't we all) paying ridiculous amounts for bad weed is not an option I like. So...A little over a month ago I decided to see if I could make it indoor. Made some research and decided to go with LED. Found a cheap reputable seller at fleabay. Ordered it and received it a few days later, just to find out it wasn't working. The fans worked and that was about it :-/ Fixed the issue (bad wiring) and the most weird light ever seen got in to my eyes. So far so good, but the trouble wasn't over.
I had two seeds left from last summer. Norden seeds, Viking Blue was germinated the paper towel method. Always had 100% germination this way. Somehow I convinced myself I would reuse the soil from last summer. Standard soil from nearest supermarket. Don't. I had nothing but trouble. I soaked the soil, fed it heavily with nutrients and left it for about to week and flushed it before putting the seeds in. Both seeds cracked the soil within 36 hours and everything seemed fine for the first couple of days.

A few days went and 1 morning when checking my plants I saw some small flies cruising the soil. Congratulations on reusing your old soil from the outside dumbass. Now you got fungus gnats. I actually thought the winter would have taken care of any problems. It didn't and combined with no airflow and high humidy and a bit cold temperatures around 17-19°C my babies were in trouble. Tried several not working solutions. From putting cigarettes in soil to vinegar in glasses with a little soap. Nothing helped and one of the plants totally stopped growing.

Off to the nearest growshop and bought some Biobizz All-mix. Replanted both of the seedling to new pots, after the all-mix had time to start, leaving no old soil at all. I mean nothing. Washed the seedlings under running water directly from tap. The biggest of the plants had almost no roots. Just around 2cm and I managed to break the not existing root on the small one. Another great job
Decided to let the small one go. At this time it was about 10 days old and completely had stopped. I would give it a chance anyways just to see if anything happened. Placed it in a very small pot and left in on the balcony in the perfect temperature of -4°C
The "healthy" of the two got replanted, but really started to look very bad in a few days and never recovered and died.

17 days after the small babies saw their first light I was left with nothing but trouble and complete disaster. New seeds was ordered
To be continued...I need a smoke
I assume you can understand my English. If not, shout to a wall