Indoor Cbd Blackstone haze


I have a 3 pack and was going to germ one but a seed from my own cross came up so changed this strain out until next time. Am doing a Swiss Dream Auto 'pure' CBD but will try this one soon!

Will be watching intently!



I have a 3 pack and was going to germ one but a seed from my own cross came up so changed this strain out until next time. Am doing a Swiss Dream Auto 'pure' CBD but will try this one soon!

Will be watching intently!


That sounds like a nice strain as well.
cheers grobro!, got my eyes on this. I'll be putting CBD Northern Lights in 10 gal greenhouse luxury next season. The higher CBD is working so well for me, I'm thinking I'll always grow 2-3 of them.
Glad to hear this I’m thinking I’ll be growing a couple along the way as well. Blackstone is about to pop the surface should be standing by tonight